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About godsbong

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  1. If you add the ip address to your favorites within DayZ Commander that should fix the problem. Let us know if you still have trouble connecting.
  2. godsbong

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    Age: 24 Ingame Name: Godsbong TZ and Country: Mountain Time Zone, UTC-7 / USA Are you willing to use TS3: TS3/Mumble/Vent Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Send me the link! What separates you from everyone else: I'm a universal player, meaning I play Day Z to do it all. Or I should say I like to do it all. I'll go on foot around the entire map for something if needs be. What type of role would best suit you: Support/Scavenger/Point Man/Mule/Whatever the need is at the time.
  3. godsbong

    US 1040

    Server is down until the hosting company gets paid pretty much. Look for posts made by hunterboy (do a member search) or do a search in the forums for 1040. That should get you the info you're looking for.
  4. I donated some spare cash to help out. Not to mention this was the first server I found (I've been playing for months now) that I actually like...Thats why I donated.
  5. godsbong

    DayZ Public TeamSpeak (512 slots)

    Sounds good man, looking forward to getting back on.
  6. godsbong

    US 1040?

    Yea I just donated some spare $$$, hopefully that helps.
  7. godsbong

    US 1040 is fail

    Well as of earlier today, US 1040 is down.... :(
  8. godsbong

    US 1040?

    We lost many tents myself if they dont comeback :/
  9. godsbong

    US 1040 MIA

    Woot I'm not alone, or going crazy. I'm glad a few of you visit the forums here. I haven't heard or seen anything all day. I hope they come back up. We need our camp back!
  10. godsbong

    Most Admin-ed Servers?

    Do you guys have a teamspeak?
  11. godsbong

    US 1040?

    What happened to US 1040? Their teamspeak was: And the website was: http://proogaming.hiddencorner.org/forums/ And now their all down, and not working. Any Mods/Admins from the server that can weigh in on this? I hope you guys see this.