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About dstein

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. That wouldn't solve anything and would probably end up being worse.
  2. I don't think that removing 3rd person would be a good idea at all. There are plenty of terrifying games that are in the 3rd person perspective. A good feature like being able to choose between the two shouldn't be removed. Everything else makes sense except for the tactical experience you're talking about. First they don't have to look at you because, as you know, they can also hear you. I agree that they need to capture more tension between zombies and the player, but Amnesia is a hard comparison because the environment and way in which you play that game is completely different than DayZ.
  3. Haven't used it, but I do know that 1 DMR mag = 4 M24 mags
  4. dstein

    Do you listen to music while you play?

    Sneaking through Cherno http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bwiiCzi8YI&feature=bf_next&list=PL29044A195D8E4F7F
  5. dstein

    How Do I Get A Moderator To Read A Post??

    Ever heard of a private message? Maybe you should just go to another server. As far as I know, since it doesn't seem like there is any sort of official restrictions on ping limits for servers, they can do whatever they want. I know if I was paying for a server I'd like the ability to do so if I wanted. It sucks, but there are plenty of servers that don't have that restriction.
  6. Yeah, wow, whenever I find a camp I usually just take whatever I can carry and leave the rest behind for if I have to come back. Either that or I'll trade guns, but that doesn't always work out in whomever owns the camps favor. :thumbsup:
  7. dstein

    I wanna stay alive this time

    It really boils down to going slow, taking the long route to stay in cover, measure your opportunities in a pro/con sort of way, and play at night if you can since you have the gear for it.
  8. dstein

    Sudden New FPS Lag

    Is the FPS drop occuring on one specific server or have you tried a bunch of others out?
  9. dstein

    Player Punishment Ratio Unacceptable

    It's a free mod of perfectly legit game that's only been out for about 4 months now? Get over it.
  10. dstein

    Spawning at the coast

    I might be able to confirm this. There is a serve I used to play on that does nothing but load into the debug forest and will not allow you to play. I check it out occasionally but always end up disconnecting during the "waiting for character to create" process. I'll try to see if I can confirm this to be true.
  11. Pretty sure admins can kick you and/or ban you from their server whenever they want. Most usually have a good reason, but sometimes you just get screwed. Although you're hiding behind Rocket, a lot of people really don't care when you're using a weapon not intended to be used in DayZ, it just isn't fair.
  12. dstein

    Log in shock timer

    I already suggested this in an earlier thread but I had the same issue until I used a heat pack. I didn't have any signs of needing one but after doing so it all cleared up. Hope it helps.
  13. The only thing I can really comment on is you're going to have to find a "good" server. There are only a few servers I go to now because there has never been any major cheating going on. Beyond that it's just going to be risky going anywhere until stand alone comes out.
  14. dstein

    need a better cpu

    He's going to need to replace his motherboard for an intel processor though so based on what he said that won't work out. I hate to send anyone out in the dark like this when it's related to computers, but I suck really bad at recommending processors. Your best bet is to do research yourself unless some other kind person who also uses AMD and runs DayZ gives you a better suggestion. This is a good place to start: http://www.newegg.co...ssors-Desktops. Look for processors with the am3 socket and check out the reviews (use the filter to check out how they hold up for games) they'll help you a lot. This is the processor I have in my desktop (http://www.newegg.co...N82E16819103921) and it has been working out very well for me so far. I haven't tested my desktop to run DayZ yet so don't take it as a solid suggestion.