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About Discordic

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    On the Coast
  1. Discordic

    Can't collect meat- Am I doing it wrong?

    Well, at least it is a known issue. And as far as gear screen- I'm not even seeing that option when I'm over the carcass. Just hide / study, right after I kill it and gut it. However, swapping to a different server seems to have fixed it.
  2. I've been trying to collect meat from all sorts of animals (mostly, sheep / chickens seem to be all I find), and although I can gut them, I can't collect any raw meat. I kill the animal, use the knife to gut, but the body never gives me any further actions beyond 'hide' and 'study'. Looking at the gear screen, I can't find any options to use the hunting knife to collect meat, either. So... How exactly do you get meat from the carcass? I have the feeling I've missed something huge.
  3. I've just started playing the game (DLed the mod around about 20 mins ago), and so far, every single server I've tried has been night-time, and I've been unable to do much more than flail around and run into trees in the dark. The irritating thing is, this includes the Australian servers (I'm an Australian player), which seems fairly odd- the time I'm normally able to play games (IE: Daytime) is also when the game is very difficult to play as a starter due to it being pitch black. So I've got to ask- is it like this on all servers? Do all servers share the exact same day/ night cycle, or are there local variations based on where it is hosted? And if it is this way, is there any way to make seeing at night easier that doesn't require me to find something during the day-time?