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Posts posted by Jerek

  1. Aha, so that's why you stored cars etc there? DOH!!! Yeah lol......

    And you are still avoiding what i wrote tho about knowing the location of the base for weeks and taking screenshots lol.

    Just stop talking will you? And use your name that you use on TS, and don't go under "jerek" . I do assume your Marek so.

    So now I need to respond to every statement you make or you're suddenly correct in everything that you say and a talented DayZ player or I'm somehow wrong because I didn't respond to your lie?

    Bro, we know you're lying. You entered our base for the first time and 10 minutes later screenshots showed up online. How thick headed can you possibly be? Do I need to go over the dozens of times that we put two and two together when you were online and things just "happened to happen" at the point in time that you were present? Lots of people noticed it and just didn't say anything (though it was mentioned in TS here and there when something was "fishy" about you many different times).

    You weren't a good spy.

    We have every car on the server, no one cares if one is lost. You were in the clan and on the TS and you know better and know how little we care about losing assets. We give them away and put them wherever not caring who manages to find them. Don't act like you don't already know that.

    Starting to think you have serious issues dude. You lie through your teeth more than people I've known that were on hard core drugs. Hell, why do I bother. Anyone that reads this can tell that your "crew" is a couple of teenagers who think DayZ is serious business and that managing to pull off a few kills weeks into "spying" makes you some kind of amazing.

  2. If you read the thread in its entirety you shall see that according to your members I personally was Disconnecting to avoid death, ghosting, combat logging, apparently over TS some of you guys were talking to others about how i was an obvious hacker etc. It's just ghey tbh.

    You can say shit about us but here is a point you cannot dispute.

    A numerically inferior force attacked some of your clan in a chopper and later on more of your members were killed *without ever receiving fire themselves* 2 of us wiped 6 of you without you even shooting back. If I was in a clan who that happened to, I'd think twice about being there. Helpful tip maybe spend time when you're bored training for scenarios instead of sitting outside Cherno with As50's.

    You are not impressing me with your opinion that you are better at the game or something because you used a sniper rifle from hundreds of meters of ways to kill players that were clustered together on a pretty wide open spot (reference: the video).

    But do keep attempting to justify the weeks of time that you spent getting a few kills. I don't turn away entertainment.

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  3. First off, iv only known about that base for a week/8 days. get your facts straight.

    The only base i knew off was the one in Old fields. Now i do however know where Tod's base is, SgtSlays, and more.

    And yet again, iv never taken a screenshot ingame;)

    Old Fields is very public knowledge and everyone knows it. The general rule has been don't put something there if you want it to be there later. We used it at times while still knowing that. Obviously if people still used it, they didn't care. Hell, to be honest I think people wanted it public to entice players into coming there just to have someone to attack us / kill.

    As far as knowing where other bases are, I've always known of 90% of them within a day of them being placed. I guess it's part of being in Charlie Squad as what we do is control the map and its assets.

  4. Go watch the vid he placed in this thread with audio from your TS stream. I don't know the names to their voices, but there's at least two people saying that he was hacking.

    Also, lol @ how "trusthfullness" of our group and comparing it on how you did or didn't trust Xerpt. Xerpt was a -spy- in your clan, if you're comparing our group with how much -you- could trust a spy, you're just plain stupid.

    The fact that you're calling me stupid or throwing about insults is nothing more than further proof of your lack of maturity and desire to compensate for your failed attempt at meta gaming. Several of us knew Xerpt was a spy. Honestly no one cared. I had expected it for weeks due to others statements and opinions of him and what he was doing or attempting to do without us knowing. I could care less.

  5. It didn't take 6 weeks to put up the ambush, the ambush only took the ammount of time it takes to run from the NW airfield , and run over to that basexD.

    And set it up, and i requested a pickup. And you came.

    And what are you on about? I didn't take Screenshots haha, Your so full of shit lol, iv never posted any screenshots, never taken any screenshots ingame.

    And you saying you knew about it? How? Iv played with you, never said anything about anything lol.

    Yes i did Complain about the behaviour of people in Elysium due to some of them being total retards , not just playing music. But you know that so crawl back under your rock.

    And back to you "knew" about the "infiltration" is just pure BS to save yourself some face.

    Xerpt, you're so full of it. Salgor and I had this conversation about you likely being in other clans, taking screenshots, telling others about one of Charlie Squad's bases and whatnot weeks ago. But honestly, neither one of us really cared. I could care less who knows about the locations and whatnot. Gear is too easy for me to get to matter.

    Contrary to most people in the world, I don't just throw out lies. What I'm telling you IS what I know. If it's an opinion or assumption or just a guess, I'll say it is. Otherwise it's what I know to be true. You on the other hand are (as of this thread) a proven liar. So whose opinion should be trusted more?

    Just from your attitude, the nonsense you are spouting in this thread and whatnot you have no credibility whatsoever. I however have plenty and know for a fact that the conversation took place between multiple members about you likely "spying" (was one of the words used).

    Dear God. /careface.

    I'm offering to show you footage as a fucking courtesy since you were so quick to call hacks and throw around accusations that we cheated. How about the fact that I singlehandedly took on your chopper before that and shot it down, only for you guys to basically exploit the fact that you own the server and restart it so that the chopper was in its last saved location. You guys openly admitted to that.so stop all this tying to save face crap and grow up.

    I'm working on my footage now. I want to show the full extent of what we did to you guys yesterday. The raw unedited footage is 1hr 20 mins long. I'll be damned if i'm going to spend all day rendering that for you shitbags.

    None of this was personal, we just disagreed with things you did, vowed to wait for the right time to attack you guys, risked all we had to do it and came out of it alive. Accept it and move on.

    Who called "hacks"? I sure didn't (Edit: Oh the video, I see). I wasn't even there at the moment that this happened. I had logged off about an hour prior to it and went to bed. You seem to be randomly pointing fingers at people as if you don't know who did what which indicates to me that your story is quite full of holes. Actually, I know for a fact that it is if Xerpt is any indication of your group of friends truthfullness.

    You guys failed hard at this meta gaming of yours. Just admit it and move on. You accomplished nothing but from what I can tell, 3-4 kills. Big deal. You've done nothing productive in the time that it took for you to even accomplish a few a minor kills. I could do what you've done simply by logging onto a random server and killing a few players over an hour or two. I am not impressed.

    Come to think of it, we've had the chopper in the air for days (Salgor and myself) flying it around joy riding. You just now (according to your statements) have destroyed it (but the video says otherwise - as do my friends' statements). What took you so long? You could have said "Come pick us up in the chopper" and we would have done so as we are nice about it and do that kind of stuff and then just take it out right there. But you didn't.

  6. You guys seem quite impressed with yourself over a feat that took "weeks" of time. I've been around for months and AFAIK (or can remember) you've been here the entire time. So it's taken you months to do this?

    Xerpt, we knew about your "infiltration" for quite a while. Some of us knew for certain about what was going on once you took screenshots of Charlie Squad's base. We recognize what was happening immediately (mainly Salgor as he witnessed it). He mentioned it in TS: that you had taken screenshots and posted them and that you were attempting some kind of "infiltration".

    Members asked for your removal from the guild and that you be banned from the TS. But without proof, I assume nothing was done. I thought at one point that you had been banned, but then I came on and you were in the TS, so I assumed it had been "worked out" in some way. Not really my problem so I didn't say anything. Plus, I've taken up for you and been nice to you and had no reason to speak up against you yet.

    You recall that you were on our forums complaining about "immature" behavior after prior to that complaining about sound clips being played here and there on the TS (on pretty rare occasion). So when you were on, those of us that did it, stopped doing it while you were around to please you. You kind of have to ask yourself after your actions (which are now proven in this post) who is guilty of being immature. The answer is pretty obvious.

    In response to Fengshen's post above: if your footage is "loads of GBs" (which you are uploading) or even a GB for that matter, you're doing it wrong and don't have a clue what you're doing. You don't upload raw Fraps footage to YouTube. If you can't get it down to a few hundred MB at max then something is wrong.

    As far as Charlie Squad's base: we don't care. Salgor and I bring in loads upon loads of gear daily and have been doing so for a while. We eventually just started giving away the position of the base as we were able to get loads of chopper crash gear so easily in droves that it just didn't matter. 99% of the time we own nearly every vehicle on the server ourselves, because we put the work into finding and getting them (the same for the gear that we have). Also a lost chopper is not a big deal, because we can have it back (Charlie) within 2 hours max with incredible ease. The game isn't even fun for us anymore because of how easy that it is for us (between just the two of us knowing how to get the gear we want quick and easily). I barely even play now because of it. People lose vehicles in 5 minutes and we manage to keep ours for weeks upon end. Personally, I have never once lost a vehicle (or chopper) in DayZ. That's how well we manage to keep gear/vehicles.

    In reality, you worked for 6+ weeks on a failed operation, "exposed" a base which we willingly gave the position away for (for at least days prior to the screenshots I know for a fact) on purpose because we didn't care if anyone knew anymore (and after this you took screenshots) and took out a few clan members (shown in the video) next to a chopper (and failed to destroy the chopper from what I'm told) but even if you did destroy the chopper, I know that within 1-2 hours of this video we had it again (fully repaired with the gear we have stored in multiple locations for this very purpose). So you must ask yourselves: do you need to work on your "META" game? I think so.

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