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Everything posted by badger05

  1. I guess this means that I can't play the dayZ standalone. They can't take away my xp from me only from my cold dead hands.
  2. Some girl with a pistol just knocked me out in a couple shots even though I out geared her badly. I still had like 10,000 blood but I had to wait there for 30 seconds while she took my own gun and shot me with it. Other times I have got into big fire fights where I went down to 800 blood but never got knocked out. This is game breaking and makes me want to quit the game because I know I'm always only a couple lucky shots away from getting knocked out and losing all my hard earned stuff. It takes the skill out of the game in my opinion I just want some consistency.
  3. badger05

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    If anyone wants some satchel charges to take to the brony meeting just message me.
  4. badger05

    War Z will be infinitely better than Day Z

    enjoy playing war inc + zombies
  5. badger05

    Day Z vs The War Z

    why the war Zinc sucks: -they ripped everything off dayZ including the name and then claimed they thought of everything first -it's an exact copy of war inc just modded (war inc sucks it doesn't even have a weapon switch animation) http://imgur.com/a/SvNg5 -since it's the same as war inc it's just a cheesy arcade shooter with no realistic elements like wildelife, voice communication or leg breaking -they make you pay a one time price and then they try to scam you with a cash shop as if it were a F2P game -it's made by a sleezy company that only cares about making the game easy for casuals so they get more money -it's 2 months from being released and they don't have any gameplay videos (embarrassed of their incomplete game?)
  6. badger05

    farewell :(

    I already uninstalled too I got tired of playing a virtual treadmill. It was too easy to lose vehicles to server problems.
  7. badger05

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    Because this is a 4chan game and bronies are the cancer of 4chan.
  8. badger05

    Reddit - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    I want a fix for the god damn server hive crap. Shady admins, random restarts make you lose your vehicle, servers randomly shut down forever losing all your vehicles and tents, server hopping.
  9. When you go on a nature walk and you start scouting the terrain for movement
  10. Come back at standalone. If anything things are worse I can't get on any of my old servers.
  11. badger05

    building a DayZ pc.... need advice

    I heard you need at least an i5 processor. Look up system requirements for arma 3. Ouch I just looked at the requirements and there is no windows xp support. No dayZ standalone for me.
  12. What kind of crafting do you want to see in dayZ? I want to see weapon attachments like flashlights and thermal.
  13. where did you buy this gf who likes to play video games I want one
  14. I have tents duped full of them and I already got bored of blowing people up.
  15. badger05

    Can this computer run Dayz?

    You can play it with that but I'm not a fan of prebuilt best buy computers or with anything that is built in. I would be most concerned about the processor and the hard drive. You would see a big performance increase with an SSD (doesn't have to be your main hard drive). If you want to know how good a processor is look at benchmarks and compare. Sites I would suggest to buy from are newegg or ncix.
  16. Who cares, if it's not people duping then it's hackers creating weapons out of thin air. There are no permanent solutions until standalone.
  17. badger05

    They Fix 1 Bug 10 More Create!

    WarZ is a piece of crap at least bugs can be fixed. You can't fix a bad game.
  18. badger05

    What is your Character's D&D alignment?

    Chaotic evil except that I'm a lone wolf so I don't lie or anything I just cause mayhem. I have many tents full of satchel charges you can probably guess what I do with those.
  19. badger05

    Faith in humanity restored. (CA 12)

    a hacker just gave you some stuff that's all
  20. I would like it to have a big population, no changed spawn rates and it should have an admin that actively bans.
  21. badger05

    SSD, DayZ and You...

    I have a shitty hard drive but I am using ram disk to make my ram a virtual hard drive and I have dayZ loaded on there. Do I still need an ssd?
  22. badger05

    ARMA 3 engine for DayZ standalone vote

    It's probably going to rape my pc but I say go with it
  23. badger05


    yea good job battleye those 10,000 bans sure did something
  24. first order of business destroy warz