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Everything posted by metaminer

  1. A few days ago I topped 150 fps on a DayZ Overwatch server. It's quite understandable considering the server only had two people on it besides me and the mod has all of the roadblocks/objects removed. Normally, I average around 35 in big cities and 45-55 in forests.
  2. metaminer

    I don't understand...

    While betrayal and safety play a big part, it's also due to the dearth of cooperative elements and end-game objectives in the game. Sadly, once a player overcomes the learning curve within their first few weeks and learns how to deal with zombies efficiently, the only thing left to do is kill others. If there was a common objective in the game that could be reached quicker through cooperation, people may stop killing on sight. Most people want instant gratification and reward in DayZ. Killing others to acquire their loot is the primary form of this.
  3. metaminer

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    You should be able to consistently get those frames on high settings or so (assuming you're not running at a ridiculous resolution), maybe even very high if you tone down some of the AA/post-processing. Keep in mind the storage drive you're running arma2/dayz off of will also affect frames and texture loading smoothness. The 4670k is a solid CPU (probably the best option atm for arma 2) and the 770 will complement it nicely.
  4. metaminer

    What you guys think about the new update?

    They changed that with the patch as well. Once you're infected it's pretty much a scramble to find antibiotics or enough meat to keep you alive. * [uPDATED] - Sickness(Infection) can now cause death.
  5. metaminer

    What you guys think about the new update?

    I think Zombie Jesus summed it up quite well. This update seems like the first step in an attempt to recreate the original DayZ experience we all had within our first 1-2 weeks of playing. While I do think this premise has potential, I don't think this patch is executing it very well. My main concerns are the loot spawning rates and the new damage/health rework. All of the bug fixes and minor content adjustments are fine. After playing for a few hours with a fresh spawn in a vanilla server, I already have a general feel for the patch. Zombies have been buffed in some aspects but nerfed in others. The removal of a guaranteed bleed on your first zombie hit on a new character is nice. The frequency of zombies knocking you over can be a bit annoying, but it presents a new danger you have to look out for as opposed to just carelessly running by them. A zombie buff has been needed for quite some time. The patch fails in other aspects, however. Immediately noticeable to me was the scarcity of loot on the map. After doing a typical loot run through Cherno I only had a meager makarov with 2 mags and an AK with 1 mag. There was pretty much no hospital loot to be found; there were no boxes in all of Cherno, just a few blood bags and a morphine stick. I found this to be one of the most frustrating changes of the patch. Infections are much more common, yet antibiotics are nowhere to be found in pretty much the only place on the map you have a decent chance of finding them. At some point, I acquired an infection and it dropped me to black and white within 20 minutes to where I just got frustrated and left to write this. Overall, loot was much harder to find and zombies were much more dangerous. Now, before you call me out as being a sore grumbler, hear me out. While I do think going back to its survivalist roots is a good thing, the patch will hurt the game as a whole. Gearing up is now much more tedious and monotonous. You'll have to spend multiple hours acquiring all of the tools you need and a decent weapon loadout that would otherwise take 30 minutes to an hour in the previous patch--not to the mention the increased risk of dying at the hands of zombies that could wipe all of your progress in an instant. People will seldom make it far north anymore to loot the hotspots (namely, Stary and NWAF) because they're too busy dealing with tedious things like acquiring adequate medical supplies. Those suspenseful firefights between geared squads and the joy of finally finding that amazing weapon will be lost. Of course, DayZ at its roots isn't intended to be a deathmatch between players, but moments and atmospheres like these really drive the mod forward. Youtube videos that reflect exciting experiences serve as advertising for the mod and continue to spark interest. The slower paced gameplay with this patch won't make for interesting content to post/watch or interesting stories to tell your friends. Overall, I think some of the bolder aspects of this patch should have waited. With the current map and engine, progressing even further towards the ultimate zombie survival simulator only reveals the game's limitations. The clunkiness of the arma controls and the shaky zombie AI are becoming even bigger nuisances as the focus on staying alive with limited food/bloodbags increases. The map itself isn't very forgiving in terms of loot distribution either. Introducing these hardcore survivalist elements into the mod isn't working out very well in my opinion. Waiting until Standalone when the entire game is fleshed out (crafting, map rework, new controls) would be much more compatible. For now, I think it's best to revert to the atmosphere of the mod before this patch. ------------- tl;dr - The new emphasis on loot scarcity and health detract from the core experiences (tense firefights, looting up north with friends, etc.) that make the mod enjoyable. The notable changes introduced with this patch are too bold and aren't compatible with the mod's limitations (clunky AI, map loot distribution, controls).
  6. metaminer

    DayZ 1.7.7.Dev Bug List

    I second this claim. I was playing on a vanilla 1.7.7 server earlier cycling through all of the medical loot spots in cherno (both hospitals, tents). I didn't see a single cardboard box spawn during my ~2 hours of searching. That's quite disappointing to me considering the buffed infection rates and zombie damage. Perhaps this is a bug with the boxes having an unintentionally low spawn rate. If not, this design decision should definitely be looked over in my opinion.
  7. Awesome, guys :thumbsup: ! As for a location, I feel like there's only a couple places it would really work. One option would be to put it near the crane docks in one of the large cities.. If it was put in say Cherno or Elektro, it may be a bit too instrusive. I'm thinking Berezino because that side of the map isn't visited all too often and it would be like a hidden gem on the map. Another option would be to have it be beached on some shore. Judging by its dilapidated state, this would probably make the most sense as survivors would want to salvage and jack some of the metal off it.
  8. metaminer

    your favorite kind of kill?

    Going prone with the m249 and getting an incredibly long range kill
  9. - The ability to survive by drinking soda cans all the time instead of water
  10. metaminer

    Lingor SUV Bandit (Story)

    Kk, anything will do man, IP/name. I tried looking for the server but found nothing, but it sounds so much fun!
  11. metaminer

    Lingor SUV Bandit (Story)

    "private hive server with 600+ vehicles" I want in, server name please!
  12. metaminer

    GermandayZ Lingor Island Google Loot Map v2

    Looks like it got updated, and now it has EVERY single loot spawn marked, good job guys!
  13. You're probably playing on servers with private hives. Keep in mind Lingor Island servers don't have an official hive that 95% of the servers use. There's server-specific hives, the Vilayer-rented server hive, the dayzlingor.tk hive, etc. Try and keep track of what server you play on, and stick there every time you play!
  14. metaminer

    Are heli crashsites completely random

    The maps that show potential heli crash site locations just give you a general idea, they typically don't show every single possible location, because there's no need to. Draw a line from Zelenogorsk to Solnichniy, now generally the heli crash sites will be in open fields anywhere north of this line. However, there is a "hotspot" for crashed heli's I'd say. If you run from Stary to the NW Airfield and scan as many fields in that general direction, you're bound to find at least one due to the plethora of open terrain. Happy hunting!
  15. metaminer

    So whats your loadout??

    AS50 w/ 3 mags, M4A1 CCO SD w/ 4 mags, M9 SD, NVG, RF, GPS, ghillie, meds, meat/soda. I have a few other characters on private hives with respectable gear I had a tent with an L85, MK 48 Mod 0, M136, and an extra M9 SD, but it randomly deleted itself in front of my eyes on a server restart :(
  16. metaminer

    GermandayZ Lingor Island Google Loot Map v2

    I cannot thank you enough, man. I have been searching every day since lingor got popular for a zoom-able map that shows loot spawns and vehicles. Thank you!
  17. Here's some advice, don't even bother heading up north to gear up anymore. Duping/hacking/general-cheating has become so rampant lately that you can pretty much follow a completely different playstyle than the typical one of the past, and have much better success rates in terms of acquiring good loot. Previously, the typical process for gearing up was this: Start in Cherno/Elektro, loot all the residential pubs and supermarkets, and get some starter loot. After you have some basic supplies and maybe a enfield/winchester, head up north to Stary or the Airfield where you can get some military-grade equipment. Eventually, you'd become fully geared by looting the barracks, occasionally killing a player, and maybe finding that lucky downed chopper. Nowadays, you can become armed to the teeth with all the best gear in a fraction of the time. Start in Elektro/Cherno again, gain some starter loot like usual, but here's the difference: Don't even bother heading up north. Join a populated server(25-40 people), and look around for some camping snipers around the cities. Odds are you'll come across one eventually, so just sneak up on him and take him out. And what does he have? AS50, L85, NVG's, RF, etc. You'd be surprised how many snipers just camp around the big towns fully geared taking out the newly spawns, but are as dumb as a brick. I've done this for the past couple weeks now, and it's incredibly easy and successful. You gain all the good loot in 10% of the time compared to heading up north, with less risk involved. Just yesterday I died while looting the NE airfield and lost a ton of high tier equipment, but within 2 hours, I was able to regain all that gear and then some by just killing the snipers around the major cities. It's almost depressing how prevalent these types of high tier equipment are in Chernarus, and how easy they are to obtain. With all the other players out there with 50 cal's and thermal, this is really the only way to keep up with the competition. Hopefully duping/hacking will be fixed and the hive will be wiped clean, so we can all start fresh and acquire loot in a more fair way. tl;dr- Kill camping snipers around Cherno/Elektro, get amazing loot in no time
  18. metaminer

    Vehicles.. Lets be honest

    Read the tl;dr, gave beans, then left
  19. metaminer

    Seriously Low Standard Player.

    Now who in their right mind would pull up a truck to balota airstrip on a 35/50 player server risking an AS50 and a ghillie?
  20. metaminer

    Holy shit that felt amazing

    Honestly, what's with the proliferation of AS50 TWS's? Is that like a new legit weapon that everyone has decided to bring to DayZ Dupefest 2012? I don't get it.. i thought that's a hacked item
  21. metaminer

    How do you normally die?

    Exactly this. I really only play on servers that typically have 10-15 players during peaks to avoid hackers. But with this, you really never see anyone, so you become a bit spoiled and lose the thrill and intense situations DayZ is known for. The game becomes easy-mode, and it ruins the fun. So there's a dilemma, A. play on high population servers where your blood will be pumpin, but have a good chance of running into hackers.. or B. play on low population servers where you know you're safe from hacks/scripts, yet you never see anyone and lose the thrill of DayZ first world problems?
  22. I don't get why people treat tents as anything close to a rare or valuable item. I just walked into the Vybor supermarket, found 2 tents. Went south to pustoshka supermarket, 1 tent. Zelenogorsk supermarket, 2 tents.
  23. Hey, Have: M136 (no mags) Want: Coyote backpack + camo clothing I equipped the m136 foolishly, and didn't realize it would eat my backpack and the only rocket I had for it... oh well. So now I need a replacement backpack, and seeing how rare the M136 is, some camo for sweets :) Thanks!
  24. Besides, half the fun of DayZ is dying; having to start down south with a starter weapon and trying to make do in high traffic cities. That's 75% more fun and exhilarating than just camping up north with a 50 cal.
  25. metaminer

    Selling a Bizon SD and 1 Mag

    The Bizon is actually fairly good if you're trying to raid somewhere with stealth. You can easily take out a couple zeds and next to no sound is made to attract more or give away your position. the ammo is also glitched where the mag will automatically refill when you relog so long as you don't deplete it too much.