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Everything posted by mind_grenade

  1. mind_grenade

    Hoarders: beware

    We don't generally frequent one in particular given there are only so many vehicles to each server and therefore only so many stashes. We do also lead the way to vehicle spawns that need repairs if we've given away all our stock Oh and if we need help we'll be in touch :P
  2. mind_grenade

    Hoarders: beware

    I'm going to assume troll, but if not, it'll be gone by tomorrow :)
  3. mind_grenade

    Hoarders: beware

    Lol, sounds like someones got a stash they don't want to lose. Anyhow, our real target is just kill on sight PvPers, there just needs to be an incentive not to. Striking fear into the heart of hoarders is just two birds with one stone :)
  4. mind_grenade

    Hoarders: beware

    Name the server and we'll find it haha ;) It won't last though, bucko, the chase is now on. Oh, and one cheeky tent is no biggie. We don't mind that, it's actually quite cute. It's tent cities and multiple vehicles that get our jimmies going :P
  5. mind_grenade

    How did I even come across these?!?!

    That awkward moment when you lose it because you ran out in the open like a tard from being impatient. Idiot. Easy come, easy go, I suppose.
  6. mind_grenade

    How did I even come across these?!?!

    Currently practising with the SVD as it doesn't have zeroing. I'm honestly better with a CZ, lawl... The small ones aren't hacked, I thought they were only at heli's too though :/ Oh well. I never get luck like this though, soooo many mags!!!
  7. mind_grenade

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I have noticed that I'm now having a bit more trouble connecting now. I don't want to shit on the parade about all the recent patches focusing on stability and connectivity, but I've never had stability problems, or connectivity problems until the last few patches. FPS drops too.... :(
  8. It'd make it a more useful item, currently if it's a second primary there's no room for bolts :( and as standalone.... yeah.
  9. mind_grenade

    Move crossbow to launcher slot

    Derp, forgot backpack takes that up. I'm a dick. Crossbow is fucking awesome though. Go into armory in SP arma and train with it. Once you get the sights and ranges down its great.
  10. mind_grenade

    Worth it to carry second primary?

    Always. I don't need 10 cans of beans on me at all times :/ I currently have an AKM and a Lee (don't underestimate the Lee, got a 400m kill yesterday, .303 rounds are boss) with 5 mags for each, 3 water bottles and a few frags. At the end of the day if you have an ALICE pack, you don't need the 10 extra for anything less than a new weapon
  11. OK, so for starters, I logged in south of Stary, looted it, then headed to NWAF, and when I got there, I got yellow chained then red-chained and got the "no message received" and had to leave. I rejoined, and it logged me in back south of Stary where I started. Bit of a "WTF?!" moment (got good gear at NWAF), but meh, and did the same thing again. I was kinda bored so I just looted everything quite quickly and carelessly as I wasn't real keen on hanging about. I aggro'd zeds and headed for the comms tower, held off in there and killed them all (found an AKM w/ 2 mags in there so just swapped it out killed them and changed back to M4 CCO). I got to the top and got sniped, OHK, "You Are Dead" screen. Not surprising, was a bit of a suicide run anyway and I attracted ANYONE that would have been around NWAF with all the gunfire. I went and got a drink, probably about 30 seconds, came back and decided I didn't want to keep playing so I just logged off and went to bed as it was late I log on tonight, and surprise sur-fucking-prise it logs me on AGAIN south of fucking Stary. I feel like crap, I only hope my body didn't disappear for the guy that killed me. There was about 45 minutes of gameplay that it just didn't save at all. Has dying changed? I've only died a few times and haven't in ages... do you need to click respawn now? I waited fucking ages before logging off (which I only did 'cos I didn't feel like starting again at the time and it was like midnight) and now I've just fucking gone back. So yeah, are you meant to always hit respawn now or was this just some fucked up breed of bug? I *ALWAYS* wait about 30 seconds before leaving the you are dead screen and last time I got killed it didn't do this to me. I would NEVER combat log. I didn't even think of it even when I had NVG's and an AS50 and got killed. It's low, and pointless. The most fun is starting again in this game.
  12. mind_grenade


    Hah that's nothing! I kid you not I stumbled on a DEAD body (not even my own doing) of a chap with a coyote pack, ALL tools inc. NVG and rangefinders, an AS50, M9 SD and M4 CCO SD all with 5+ mags each, literally 20m north of Cherno hospital. THAT was lucky.
  13. It's funny you bring up classes in DayZ; check the thread in my sig for my input. I've since changed my ideas a bit but can't be effed changing the post haha. I think we need to avoid the word "classes" because it sets off people's WoW alarms. There are so many good mechanics out there, that we should at least trial out, as it's an alpha and if it kills the core gameplay just fuck it off. However so many people jump to conclusions and say "oh but that would make it like X title/it would turn it into a watered down generic game". A lot of games have guns, DayZ having guns doesn't make it generic. I truly think an "occupation" system that A) gives your character a background and B) provides slight advantages in certain areas (while not restricting areas of the mod) would add an incentive for teamplay. I love PvP in this game, I just lost an AS50 and NVG's to PvP and it really doesn't make me hate PvP. I just think the dynamic is solely PvP and there is NO reason to team up with strangers. Which is fun for while, but the me/us against the world gets a bit old. With the added dynamic of teamplay and the increased likelihood of it I could see the replayability going through the roof.
  14. I did not imply that anyone is a meek little wimp/whale/child or any gaming stereotype, such is foolish. I was not trying to insult you in the least. You have a gun. Grats. Are you a killer? Do you know how it feels to take a mans' life (I hope you don't)? Do you understand the training (if you want to call it that, it's typically just justifying the act by saying it's for the greater good in some way) the armed forces in ANY country go through to cope with the emotional distress of murder? In an actual survival situation (again, this isn't a survival sim exactly), I know that people would not want to be alone. ESPECIALLY when you have to go to sleep. And THAT drive would win out over selfishness (well, the murder aspect). If you're out in the woods for a few months, weeks, even days, with infected humans growling around you, the moment you see another human, I really don't think you would kill them as a first instinct. But this game doesn't represent loneliness very well, you can survive fine by yourself. It doesn't represent the fear you would feel going to sleep by yourself the first night.
  15. Wow, that is a lame solution. The answer lies not with letting you know who not to trust (flagging bandits), but with adding incentives not to kill and reasons to team up.
  16. In a RL apoc situation (which this game is NOT a sim for, but that's beside this point), I think human nature's incessant need for contact would ultimately drive us together over chaos. Some would rebel, and be vigilantes, but for the most part we would try and stick together. The betrayal and greed would start AFTER this happened. If people weren't inclined to contact others initially, their first night alone trying to sleep without anyone keeping watch would. So many hard men on the forums saying they would kill for beans IRL. Get fucked, most of you would struggle slit the throat of a defenseless animal or bleed a pig, let alone kill an INNOCENT man. Unless you were indeed a heartless killer, which you fucking aren't, your first kill would drive you insane. Love PvP in this game and we need not to try and alter it as it stands, but we really need to ADD an incentive to team up also to really create a powerful dynamic in this game. Teaming up with strangers currently is nothing but a hindrance (last guys I teamed up with kept throwing flares WHERE WE WERE WALKING... told them not to and they kept doing it so I left them to die)
  17. In what way are they hacking? I've been playing nearly 80 hours and I have not as yet seen/encountered/been aggrieved by a hacker (to my knowledge). I do know a lot of people are hacking items in, but that's a script issue that just about always gives global bans within 48 hours now. I have a feeling the hacking issue (not discounting it entirely, I know they are a problem, just as they are in all online games) may be largely exaggerated by people who are just too proud to admit they were bad enough to be killed or outsmarted. And we all know that the internet is where people exaggerate. But yeah, just curious as to how people are actually hacking, 'cos I've hardly seen it other than once, when I got to Cherno and there were explosions everywhere, and the hospital (which I crawled 2 1/2 hours to get to, such a bad day) and apartments were leveled. But even then that may not have been a hack. It does help the hackers in this game, however, that there is NO information regarding kills or anything. I think an *optional* killfeed (i.e player A killed player B with X weapon), even if just for admins, would help rule out the obvious item scripters. A good admin, or an effectively admin'd server is worth 100 Battleyes, Punkbusters, or ANY anti-cheat. I know people roll their eyes at killfeeds and such because their CoD/CS/BF alarm goes off, but it would be an EASY way to see who spawned an illegitimate item in.
  18. mind_grenade

    Change to ammo management/loot structure

    This ^ Definitely +1, I'd love to see how this would pan out. It would get rid of all the "recombine" commands, and make guns like the FAL usable after you run out of ammo from the crash site even though you have DMR mags with NATO rounds sitting in them that you can't use.
  19. mind_grenade

    DeadEndThrills did DayZ!!!!

    Some of you may know DeadEndThrills as the awesome screenshot guy, I just saw he's done some DayZ shots that are absolutely epic :) Just thought I'd put it up for all to see that may have missed it! http://deadendthrills.com/?cat=1640 Enjoy!
  20. mind_grenade

    The Dinner Bell

    The Enfield is soooo underrated! That thing is an absolute beast, I can get accurate shots out to 3-400m with ease. I've hit a still target at 475m and it didn't take long to line up either. That, and the .303 rounds have oodles of stopping power, up there with NATO. Tight groupings at range.... what more could you want? If you can't escape the zeds that it attracts, you're fucked in DayZ overall. They're EASY to get away from.
  21. mind_grenade

    Game is unplayable

    "unplayable" Lol. Good one. My last life was ~6 days. I had just about the best gear you can have (.50 cal, lots of ammo, an M4 CCO SD that I swapped for a FAL, an M9 SD, every toolbelt gadget +NVG's and rangefinders), got bored, played recklessly and got killed. 45 minutes later, I was at Stary with an M1014 and plenty of ammo (swapped for AKM at the tents). All the hunting gear. 3 water bottles. Plenty of beans until I find game. This game is too easy. Learn. To. Play. Your current problem is that you are bad at the game. Just play and you will learn. Learning involves dying, lots.
  22. mind_grenade

    Day Z is insulting to LGBT people

    New record for 25 pages in least amount of time. I looked like 2 hours ago and it was at 6 :/ Successful troll is successful, even if he meant it.
  23. mind_grenade

    FN FAL or AKM?

    The FAL all the way. I've used both extensively, and the FN FAL is the better weapon. The AKM can zero, but I don't know why. Put it this way, you won't be hitting anything with much reliability beyond 300m anyway. I can *much* more often hit targets at 400m with the FAL than the AKM. The FAL has a much tighter grouping at range, it's using a bigger (NATO) round, and drops people much easier. The ONLY thing the AKM has going for it is common ammo. The AKM is my favourite of all the assault rifles, though. It's more accurate, fire rate is redundant because the FAL's recoil is 10x more controllable, it's more powerful and just overall more effective. The FAL also has (3-shot) burst functionality for CQC. Aim at the left leg and do a burst (it goes up and right) and you've got three hits, hopefully one leg, one chest and one shoulder/head. FAL all the way!!!! I'd pick it over just about anything.
  24. That's nothing. I stumbled on a body (already dead) about 10m north of Cherno hospital, I shit you not, he had an AS50 w/ 5 mags, an M4 CCO SD with 6, an M9 SD w/ 6 mags, NVGs, rangefinders, coyote pack, EVERYTHING. Just out of Cherno, already dead. Greatest find on DayZ for me yet. Some lucky devil got the drop on me tonight and took it though :(
  25. mind_grenade

    Helicopter Crash Site Map

    FUCKING awesome. Love your work. Also, there's one above Prud (east of NWAF). And one in the field north of Drozhino and Kozlovka. Directly between the two towns but north. All the others I can remember are on there though :P