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About ThePyroDood

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Application Form Name: Etai Age:14 TeamSpeak Name: Pyro Mic?: Got one. Why do you want to join?: Been looking for a good squad for a while now, you guys are some of the best I've found. Experience in game: About a year. Timezone: -5 GMT (Eastern Standard Time) Bio: I'll do whatever the squad needs, and I won't shoot anyone unless given the order, or if you shoot at me first. In game Name: Pyro Other: I'd prefer to be a medic if it's all the same with you guys.
  2. ThePyroDood

    Green mountain...

    That first sound nearly made me shit myself.
  3. Seems we already have a bit of a team built :D
  4. If any of you are playing now, I'd be happy to join you...
  5. I really like the look of this, so sure! I'd be happy to join. I hope you aren't looking for people who are older, you know, age wise, since I'm 13...but if you don't mind I'd be happy to help you out :D. I promise I won't shoot you or anything, I don't even have a gun yet...
  6. I just added you. I wouldn't mind playing with a few friends either, this game gets really boring just being a loner after awhile. If you're looking for more mature people age-wise, you know, 18+, I'm fine with that...but to the point, I'm 13 years old, and I like to think I'm not immature, and I'm always looking for a laugh, I'll be serious if need be :D . Casual and tactical playing suit me just fine, but I haven't been playing Day Z or Arma 2 for that long...I don't think I'm that bad, though. I'm going on vacation in a few days, and I won't be back for about 2 weeks, maybe more since my headset just broke but after that I'll be able to play more frequently. So anyway, PM me back if you're interested, catch you later! :lol: