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About iCampion

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    On the Coast
  1. I've been on BMRF for 4 or 5 months now-- I mainly play on BMRF #3, mess about on Taviana or Namalsk when there's a server going for them, and recently I've been having some fun on the public server as a means of helping to populate it. I go by the name McJunk in-game. In short, BMRF is a godsend to the Day Z community. It has been such a presence, that I have often said (as have my friends that I have recruited to play with me here) I would simply stop playing Day Z entirely if for some reason BMRF stopped existing. I wouldn't even miss it. Because nothing else out there-- not a single server or group-- comes close to the BMRF experience. In five months I have been a victim of hacking a whopping ZERO times. When I've messed around on random public servers to see if I can try out some choppers or planes as a means of practice, it usually takes me less than five minutes to get hacked. If I find an empty server, as soon as it gets to "two" people, I get hacked. That's just how this game works-- hackers are everywhere. But they aren't on BMRF. BMRF is not for the casual player. Well actually, you CAN be a casual player and LOVE BMRF. It is not, however, for people that just want to hop on with some OP weapons at the start and start spray and praying around Cherno, Elektro, or Berezino. When clans come together and start hoarding things ( a rarity), the community tends to step up and band together to remove the threat-- legally, of course. Chernarus is customized with some subtle, yet important map changes that enable different parts of the map to attract people to them. This takes away the clutter, somewhat, that is usually found in the southernmost cities. It gives you a chance to tactically and strategically play the game-- the way it was meant to be played. You feel like you have something to protect, and you will adjust your gameplay style accordingly. It's just how it is. Variety on BMRF is second to none. If you DO want to just hop on and start shooting things, there are multiple options for wasteland games. If you aren't much of a fan of nightime, or you lack NV goggles, there is usually a 24/7 day server that isn't populated to the brim, or there's always the public server which has a crazy amount of vehicles and choppers to enable some fun in a low pop, 24/7 daytime environment. If you want to try the "hardcore" experience of first-person only, you have that option as well. Mods run a tight ship in side, but so long as you don't abuse the rules, you're golden. And the rules aren't even difficult to follow. They enable your experience to be as peaceful as possible when you aren't talking to someone in direct chat, and they allow you to immerse yourself or get lost in the game if that's how you like to play. Personally, I am a woods-crawler, so the fact that I don't have to listen to moronic chatter all day is a blessing. To wrap this up, once you play at BMRF, you'll never even consider something else. This might sound harsh, but if BMRF is not for you, then you aren't the type of player the servers need anyway (I'm not talking about your ability to kill people). If you're looking to find unlimited amounts of the best stuff in the game within minute, crosshairs and nametags, and chopper everywhere for you to use-- this isn't the place. And it shouldn't be how this game gets played. If you come to BMRF, prepare to be a part of the best community there is-- from the hardcore to the casual, you'll love every minute. Even if you're dead.
  2. iCampion

    Stuck in an endless ocean

    Yeah, but how does that equate to me being stuck there on every single server? So annoying. I don't understand why I can't just kill myself and start over.
  3. I found one other topic on this, and you guys basically wrote him off and said "swim". Sorry, but that's not the issue here. I spawned into a game, and started running along the coast. No more than a minute later, the graphics bug out and I am stuck in the middle of an ocean. The ocean never ends. I can swim for hours and not get any closer to the mountains int he distance (pretty sure that's just a graphic anyway). Here's the deal-- no matter which server I join, it spawns me in the middle of this same ocean. There is no way to kill myself. I thought maybe I'd freeze to death-- no. I am stuck, and can't play the game at all. has anyone else experienced this? also: the "respawn" button doesn't work. so that's not an option.