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About FreemanPhD

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. FreemanPhD

    Picnic at Prud Lake!

    This sounds like a blast! Now to find me a double barreled shotgun.
  2. FreemanPhD

    Your saddest moment in Dayz

    My friend and I managed to meet up after a bit of searching, but in our search we were extremely thirsty, especially him. I had a fairly good idea of where we could find some soda for him to use so we run off towards the woods. We happen upon a zombie that he was able to shoot with his Makarov and I offered him the Coke on the zombie even though my thirst was getting pretty bad too. After a longer trek I more or less pressure him into shooting a couple of zombies because my thirst indicator was blinking. Unfortunately he was a newbie so his shots weren't connecting as much as we'd hoped and more zombies seemed to crawl out of the woodwork. With only one zombie left, it began to maul my buddy, I managed to drag him away, take his pistol, and tried to shoot the zombie, it just wouldn't go down. We eventually decide to just book it, with me grabbing the zombie's attention because my friend kept falling unconcious. We find the barn I was looking for, my buddy passes out at the entrance, I run in and I find a large collection of sodas. I refill my thirst and ready my hatchet. Unfortunately just as I round the corner my friend started to get feasted on by some zombies. I had to watch him die and it was more than likely that it was my fault.
  3. FreemanPhD

    My Apologies To That Poor Medic

    I actually was wondering about that. I didn't really see anywhere else to put it, and I noticed some other dude posted a pseudo-apology in this forum so I followed suit.
  4. To that unfortunate medic that I ran into in Cherno today, I'm sorry for killing you. I thought you were trying to get the drop on me and I shot at you. If you know where your body is, I left everything but one blood pack in your inventory. You came at me while i was fighting about 13 zombies so I kinda panicked. Again, I apologize for shooting you. EDIT: I suppose I should post something extra so it doesn't just look like I'm just guilt-ridden or something. I made this thread as to encourage would-be and current medics out there. I don't want those wanting to lend a helping hand to be discouraged from helping others. And if that medic I killed happens to be on this forum; he gets his items back and maybe a bit of a boost for himself. We need more people out there like this medic, maybe there wouldn't be so many paranoid players like me.