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Everything posted by 00blast

  1. my error is this "you cannot play/edit this mission due to downloadable content that has been deleted.chernarus" ALL of my things are up to date (arma 2, arma 2 OA, DayZ) I run the game as Combined operations My launch path is CORRECT I have tried everything i have thought of and seen. I tried copying the chernarus files form Arma 2 AddOns and my end result: textures didnt load. I have ran each game seperatly multiple times. I have reinstalled everything. MY ERROR WILL NOT GO AWAY! PLEASE HELP! i have steam version. and please dont bring me to a wiki and think you are helping, because you are not. i have seen probably every post out there. nothing works. i have even tried the six launcher and dayzcommander. i am sure everything is up to date.