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About steelederic

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Looking for mates to play with daily would love to join a clan or just find a few trusty fellows to play with on one server
  2. steelederic

    [Reckless] is recruiting (Bandit). 18+

    In game name: BSteele Age: 18 Activity (How often are you on?): Daily. Will you be getting the Alpha standalone?: Yes. Is getting raid call an issue for you?: No. Specialty (Recon, Sniping, Close combat)?: Sniping/Recon(Looking to play more close combat with 1.7.7
  3. steelederic

    Clan .hL Recruiting Veteran Players

    Player Name: Eric Steele Age: 18 Skype/Mumble?: Yes/Yes DayZ Experience: 6 Months. Causal or Serious?: Casual when the situation allows it, 100% serious when being ordered/need to be. Preferred Role?: Squad Leader, Overwatch, Squad Desig Marskman, Scout Preferred Playstyle: Duo, Trio, 4-6 Man Squad Let me know. Thanks.
  4. steelederic

    Experienced Player LF Clan/Group

    Not quite sure what you mean by billy mays? :D
  5. Hi, I've played DayZ awhile now consistently, looking to join a good group of guys. Been in a few clans which utilized helicopters/cars/ect and were really organized. Please let me know if you're looking for someone to join your clan.
  6. steelederic

    UK Group still expanding! want in?

    Hey I'd love to join in on this. Been playing for awhile now and I'm really looking to get into a group! emantheebomb is my skype, i added both of you so let me know! give me a call/text on skype and we can talk! Cheers