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Everything posted by permaphrost

  1. Whenever I'm playing I always get these crazy graphical glitches that just spam all over my screen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaNbabt6btk&feature=plcp Uploaded a video of what I'm seeing. Obviously it makes it very hard to play. This happens everywhere, but is a lot more prevalent/noticeable in the cities. Yeah, yeah. I know it's an alpha mod. Just curious if this is on my end or the mod's end. Anyone know what settings I can use to eliminate this, or does it happen for everyone?
  2. permaphrost


    Endgame = death
  3. permaphrost

    The FADE warning

    I thought the message was "Illegal copies may degrade." That's what I've always seen, anyway.
  4. How do I do it? What am I looking for? I kinda looked through earlier and found a guy in the script log who wasn't in the rpt. What does this mean if I find it in the scripts log next to a players name "#49 private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\Scripts\ammo.sqf";" Also, is it okay to instaban for finding people in the rpt who log in with weapons which aren't in the mod? I found two guys. One had an M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo which isn't in the mod, and another guy with a MakarovSD which also isn't in the mod. Also, I know it's bad, but when I see people who have a pretty much full kit, you know, the works: Nvgs, the as50, SD weapons and ammo, lots of it, and then the rangefinders with every utility item, I immediately suspect hacker. But is it okay to ban for out-of-mod weapons? And what's the rule on if you notice people login/logout repeatedly in a short time? Is it okay to ban for that? I'm really just curious as to what I should be looking for in the logs to see if anyone is hacking in their player positions, weapons, ammo, vehicles... you know, whatever.
  5. permaphrost

    Help me search my logs for hackers

    Yeah. I know it's touchy. Just saying to ME it seems sketchy.
  6. permaphrost

    Help me search my logs for hackers

    Okay, but I can ban for that ammo.sqf script right? And how about those illegal weapons I found people logging in with in the rpt file?
  7. Is anyone else having this problem? I was going to change my avatar back to what it was. Edit: Just saw the the thread halfway down the page. Fail.
  8. permaphrost

    Help me search my logs for hackers

    Okay. And what about that same code that instead uses #49 private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf"; instead of ammo.sqf I know that that is also a way to hack.. but what if they were just opening that up without hacks. would it still show up in the logs? Can I ban for that because of the #49 next to it? Because I show up in the logs as using that script as well, and the #49 is next to my name too, but I'm actually the admin of the server logging in. Also, there's a bunch of stuff like this in the logs as well: (Guid) #30 g", (Guid) #31 " (Guid) #36 (Guid) #36 CfgWeapons" >> _x); #36 "Die"; What is this stuff?
  9. permaphrost


    I feel like this poll is a little bit bias.
  10. With friends like you, who needs enemies?
  11. permaphrost

    Starting to Doubt the Realism...

    "i jumped from high places all the time as a kid, therefore this game is not realistic because my character carrying a ton of gear breaks his legs all the time!" This is so hard to read. It seems like youre trying to say that zombies hitting you and breaking your bones wouldnt happen in a real world situation. Pro-tip: zombies arent real.
  12. Hey. Since your inbox has been full for the last couple days im posting here to let you know my server has been down for two weeks and none of my tickets are being answered. When i use the live help i get the "we're working on it" or "itll be fixed soon" replies. I talked to josh about a currently open ticket and he told me to put in another ticket. How many do i have to put in before my server will be fixed? Heres my ticket(s) from the site: #673341 server wont stay up. Auto shuts down because of illegal changes. In my main control panel area it says my server is "hosted by Qritek" and it won't update to reflect what I change in the config file. When I host it though, it shows up in the server browser as what's in the config file. It says it's a 40 slot server, but then in the server variables section it says the max is 25, so when I try to host it gets shut down a couple minutes later because of "illegal changes being made to the server" and I get an email about it. I tried setting the player count to 40 and it shuts down because the server variable is 25. I also tried setting it to 25 but it gets shut down because it says that it is a 40 slot server. So there's really nothing I can do to fix it. Also, when I bought the server I was originally paying for a 30 slot server for $24/month, but I had issues and it got upgraded to a 35 slot server for the same price. Then there were issues about the payment even though I sent it I guess it didn't clear right away or something. Now it's at 40, hosted by someone other than me, and the site is saying I owe $36. I'm pretty sure my server has been down more than it's been up. It's definitely been down nonstop for the last week - week and a half. I've had a lot of people that frequented my server when it was up message me at the dayz forums and email me regarding my server because they're wondering what happened. Long story short ive been having nothing but issues and they arent being resolved in a satisfactory amount of time. I paid for a service and i am not receiving that service.
  13. Hey. Since your inbox has been full for the last couple days im posting here to let you know my server has been down for two weeks and none of my tickets are being answered. When i use the live help i get the "we're working on it" or "itll be fixed soon" replies. I talked to josh about a currently open ticket and he told me to put in another ticket. How many do i have to put in before my server will be fixed? Heres my ticket(s) from the site: #673341 server wont stay up. Auto shuts down because of illegal changes. In my main control panel area it says my server is "hosted by Qritek" and it won't update to reflect what I change in the config file. When I host it though, it shows up in the server browser as what's in the config file. It says it's a 40 slot server, but then in the server variables section it says the max is 25, so when I try to host it gets shut down a couple minutes later because of "illegal changes being made to the server" and I get an email about it. I tried setting the player count to 40 and it shuts down because the server variable is 25. I also tried setting it to 25 but it gets shut down because it says that it is a 40 slot server. So there's really nothing I can do to fix it. Also, when I bought the server I was originally paying for a 30 slot server for $24/month, but I had issues and it got upgraded to a 35 slot server for the same price. Then there were issues about the payment even though I sent it I guess it didn't clear right away or something. Now it's at 40, hosted by someone other than me, and the site is saying I owe $36. I'm pretty sure my server has been down more than it's been up. It's definitely been down nonstop for the last week - week and a half. I've had a lot of people that frequented my server when it was up message me at the dayz forums and email me regarding my server because they're wondering what happened. Long story short ive been having nothing but issues and they arent being resolved in a satisfactory amount of time. I paid for a service and i am not receiving that service.
  14. permaphrost

    Jesus. I'm so sorry, Andy.

    You didn't "pull the trigger." You clicked a button. It's okay.
  15. permaphrost

    To Hungoverfurball of HFB

    I would but I don't know the info, and from what I've heard there's hardly ever anybody in there to help you.
  16. Just wanna say, you guys (admins) sound damn professional.
  17. Take a moment to educate yourself. http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/07/03/dayz-weekly-update-bear-trap-controversy-hacker-attacks-and-boar-vaulting/?ns_campaign=article-feed&ns_mchannel=ref&ns_source=steam&ns_linkname=0&ns_fee=0 According to this, 1.7.2 is taking so long because it's more of a "performance and security" patch, and because Rocket is moving to Bohemia Interactive’s HQ which is based in the Czech Republic. In other words, calm the fuck down. It'll be out when it's out.
  18. permaphrost

    Swapping weapons from backpack?

    I've never had a problem with it. Open gear menu, open bag, double click (or click on > arrow) of the weapon in your bag that you want to swap to your hands. Then it will swap the weapon to your hand and put the one you were using in your bag.
  19. permaphrost

    No competent player should die

    I hope a hacker kills the OP. Must be really hard to die when all you do is camp 1km away from cities and shoot people with a sniper rifle. Not like you're the first person to do it, and you won't be the last.
  20. permaphrost

    WHHHYYYY!!! are US servers

    2am in the afternoon? wat. edit: damn, beat me to it. >.<
  21. permaphrost

    Need help ASAP

    You could try to get in touch with the guys who play as medics. I'm sure one of them would come heal you if you told them and went on their server. There should be a thread in the survivor section.