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About thescotlish

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    On the Coast

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    Im only a bandit because of fear.
  1. thescotlish


    Maby vet servers dont get it but normal ones should?
  2. thescotlish

    Roving horde of Zombies

    I like that idea but it would be good if it passed through major towns.
  3. thescotlish

    Safe zones/merchants/trading/money

    Beans for actually giving feedback.
  4. thescotlish

    Safe zones/merchants/trading/money

    Beans for spelling bro.
  5. So basically my idea is That there should be safe zone/zones somewhere on the map where guns dont do damage/fire its like a place where other survivors can meet up and chat or group. Another idea i had was that there should be some safer trading system like the wow trading system that players could drag in a gun or even just some sweet sweet beans. The next two go hand in hand with the last money and merchants every zombie should drop a small amount of money Like the smallest amount possible. and now lastly merchants this is where you spend your hard earned money.Merchants randomly appear in safe zones random types like a farmer selling Double barrels and lees a shop keeper that sells food and water and a very rare army solider that has aks,m16s,grenades. all of the stuff they have is random all of the spawns are random and every gun would cost alot! I just had the idea when i was in a game with side chat i missed people :( FEEDBACK PLEASE