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Everything posted by beautflgarbage@msn.com

  1. beautflgarbage@msn.com

    US 1226 philadelphia banned me for no reason

    From where I'm sitting, it seems you have the definition of troll mixed up, because the only person I can see trolling this thread is you. KienThai's been nothing but civil throughout the whole thread while you throw insults at him in just about every reply you've posted. I, personally, think you're full of shit. If this guy was so abusive throughout his whole time on your server (enough to have complaints made against him), you'd have no problem posting some proof. I think if the dude was that type of person, he probably would have lawled at the ban and how he trolled your whole server and then moved on to the next one, instead of taking the time to politely ask what he did to warrant a ban. At the very least, what this thread has done, is prove you aren't as mature as you think you are. Otherwise you wouldn't have stooped to the level you have. You and your friends probably didn't want to lose your loot so you banned him for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Didn't happen? Post your logs. Perhaps next time you should get good and die less.