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Everything posted by smallhil

  1. smallhil

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Yeah, got kicked to. Was able to pick some berries :)
  2. smallhil

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Are exp. servers down again? I'm doing fine on DE 0-2, I'm bright green energized and hydrated for about a day now but not getting the healing/healthy status, not sure what's that about.
  3. smallhil

    dark nights, when?

    I agree the the night in SA are a tad to bright, but I don't want the darkness of the mod back. When moving in the dark we don't have a sense of touch as IRL. Once, in the mod, I thought I was crawling out of a zombie-infested town, but in reality i was crawling into a fence for 5 min :)
  4. smallhil

    What is the nicest thing you have done in DayZ

    Once I hunted all the leather kit together using bow and arrow. Beingn bored in the woods, went to the coast and gave it all to the first freshspawn I saw. Stashed a bagpack with my revolver and a pair of moccasins in a bush first tough. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198085411073/screenshot/26232054763349368
  5. I've my gun always shouldered and have yet to be killed by another player in the SA. When I run into someone I just say hi and sometimes we exchange some beans. Had this happen in military barracks too. I really try to be as least threatening as possible by my choice of clothes and I just walk slow in cities and towns this helps you to spot others first so you can choose to avoid then. Mostly play on 1PP servers, perhaps people are more friendly there. Really not sure if I'm just lucky or that this playstyle pays off.
  6. During an average playing session of 2-3 hours I lose connection a few times, but I've yet to encounter the logout timer. So I just can't imagine how you would earn yourself a 5 min timeout if you're not serverhopping, unless you have a very poor internet connection or a very poor choice of server. And 5 minutes is not a long time at all, go walk your dog, have a cup of coffee, bathroom break or something.
  7. smallhil

    how many servers do you play on?

    There're only about three or four hardcore severs on my serverlist. I pick the one with the highest pop.
  8. smallhil

    Making models

    A good start would probally be to take a look at the BIS-forums. http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?173-ARMA-3-MODELLING-(O2) http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?97-ARMA-2-amp-OA-MODELLING-(O2)
  9. smallhil

    Used to love Berezino...

    I moved for Berezino to Zelengorsk too. Couldn't stand all those newspawns with their loud music and funny cooking smells.
  10. smallhil

    End Spawn Suicide

    Good idea OP. You have to stay alive or wait for atleast 30 minutes to earn a new (random) spawnpoint. If you die within that periode you keep respawning in the same area you originaly spawned, not necessarily at the exact same spot.
  11. smallhil

    Do you agree with modding in SA?

    Personaly I hope BIS will allow an AiA/Iron Front approch, like they did with Arma 3. Imagine Dayz on one of the IF maps or a big tank battle in the new high rise areas of Chernagorsk. I guess a lot of people would like to play wasteland on Chernarus+ too. It could even be benificiary for BI , selling some extra copies of Arma 3.
  12. smallhil

    Day / Night realism

    I too miss the full nighttime servers both in the mod and the SA. Forty people just stumbeling in the dark, best MP gameplay ever. For me those where the best days of the mod, hopefully they will not be the best of the SA. With that said I do wish the nights were a litlle less dark. You don't have a sense of touch ingame, IRL you would notice if you were running into a wall for 5 minutes :).
  13. smallhil

    Thank you for being better than DICE

    It's been less then 2 years, 18 months ago it was "just" another Arma mod.
  14. smallhil

    Addon Author's Rights

    IMO this worth being discussed on these forums even when nothing can't be actualy be resolved here. Does BIS have anything to say in this? Afterall DayZ is a modded version of ArmA 2, like for example Ace or i44. What does the EULA of Arma say about this? I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to make mods/addons for commercial reasons. An whole other can of worms is accepting donations to cover server costs, what if you actualy would make a profit from that, is that allowe? What about charging money to play on a server? If these things are acceptable then modders whose content is used should also bennefit from it. Sorry, these kind of discusions raise more questions with me than ansers or opions.
  15. smallhil

    So how many NVGS...

    I've stolen them from camps a few times and only once found a legit pair at a heli crash site. I decided to do the right thing and burry my stolen NVG's, which were most likley duped, on the body of a zombie. The moment I turned around to pick up my pair of legit and proper NVG's the server crashed. After expressing myself I turned of my PC and stop playing for a week.
  16. smallhil

    Is DayZ one of your main games?

    Tbh my zombie dayz are over I'm back to the editor making all kinds of mediocre missions, trying out addons and scripts. What I am most excited about concerning DayZ is that maybe someday we can use the Chernarus+ map in the editor of Arma 2 or 3. TL,DR : DayZ mod not anymore, Arma yes.
  17. Is there any word on how servers are going to be set up in the SA? How strict is BIS control going to be, can anbody just start a server like you can with Arma? I understand that the guy who pays the rent wants some control over "his" server e.g. dificulty settings or time of day etc. Hopefully things like more vehicles, more weapons won't be possible, in the end it's Rocket/BI's game. How does this work in other popular MP games?
  18. smallhil

    Rifle slings - hard stance/soft stance.

    Sounds good to me. A weapon on back option in the scroll menu would already be helpfull, provided you don't pull out your sidearm.
  19. smallhil


    One of the most frustrating things in OFP/Arma is controling the AI. In the 10 years I've been playing this franchise I never enjoyed commanding AI teammates. The AI can be amazing as oponents but require the much micromangement as subortinates for me to enjoy. Maybe dogs in the SA will be simpler and easier to control. We'll see I guess.
  20. smallhil

    Is it okay to abort when a hacker spawns on you?

    I log off right away if something funny happens eg. dancing, teleporting, really don't care if it's considered combat logging or not.
  21. smallhil

    DayZ SA: One Key One Character

    As long as there are no messages like "player x killed player y" I see no issues with fixed char names.
  22. smallhil

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    In the end it's Rockets descion to make. Remember the removal of the starter weapon many months ago the community was pretty divided over that but in the end it worked out fine IMO. A difference between the SA and the mod is that initialy there won't be any individual server owners so Rocket can set the difficulty of all the servers. I just hope there will be no nametags or waypoints, those are more of realismbreakers for me than crosshairs. On topic, if removal off the crosshair makes hacking slightly more harder than just do it. Players will learn to cope with it. Don't let the players decide or we all be starting out equiped with NVGs, a GPS and a coyote backpack full of beanz.
  23. smallhil

    Where is your DayZ "home"?

    I commute between Polana and Berezino.
  24. 1 get a bottle of babyoil. 2 take of all my clothes 3 and....oh wait that for something else nevermind