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Everything posted by smallhil

  1. smallhil

    Anybody have a G36C SD?

    Found a dead player with this weapon yesterday, buried that little scumbag together with her hacked gun, took her NVG's and GPS tough :) . PS : I know her is prolly him
  2. smallhil

    Hero achieved, wearing ghillie suit

    Your total humanity shows only the moment you log in, same as your location. Then the debug monitor starts at zero, I think the humanity you gain each session is added to your total humanity. I'm currently at a humanity of ~70k and started with 30k something since the latest patch, never bandaged anybody or gave a blood transfusion, just didn't kill any players.
  3. smallhil

    [ZH] Zombie Hords is Recruiting

    In-game Name: Funshine Steam name: SgtDrabik Age: 41 The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): +1 Mic: yes How long you've been playing: since early May 3-4 months Your preferred role and/or weapon: anything (I'm a lousy shot tough) preferred weapon = AKM Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): hero +50k I'm getting bored with lonewolfing in the woods for months now, always getting shot every 4th/5th day because I don't have anybody to watch my back. Love crawling through zombie infested towns and get decent loot without firing my primary. Btw I'm Dutch and hope that my accent doesn't make anyone's ears bleed.
  4. Now you're being silly, this has nothing to do with realism. please stay on topic ;)
  5. this happened to this noob (me) http://dayzmod.com/f...k-you-stranger/ (hmm, that link looks a bit awkward :blush: )
  6. smallhil

    The Regulators are looking for good people

    Hi, This is great initiative, I've been killed more then a few times because I didn't fire first and still refuse too do so. Don't mind to respawn on the beach, the first hours of a life are the most fun anyway I think. After that I'm usually alive for a day or three/four before getting killed because I went in a town alone with some moderate decent gear. The routine is getting a little boring now. Looking for a way to make it all it bit more exiting and meaningful, this might just be the thing. I'm roaming the woods in the NE part of the map on my one, most of the time carrying 2 bloodbags just in case a run in to someone who doesn't shoot me right away. Like too play with others with a similar mindset.
  7. smallhil

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Hi, I'm pretty interested in this whole concept and think I would like to join, but I'm pretty new to teamspeak. What exactly do you mean by "spent at least 1 week on teamspeak"?
  8. smallhil

    Hero Skin vs Crap Bandit Skin

    Bandits practically prevent others from playing anything but KOS or PvP. Personally I think it needs be addressed somehow. Don't know if skins are the solution, but it's worth the experiment. You still can go around killing other players, it just makes them less likely to trust you. So what, some players like to make friends and are likely to get a bullet in the face. You make your choices and live die with it.
  9. Just love reading discussions like this. My idea about storage is that the last person who saves a tent/vehicle is the "owner" of it. If the "owner" dies his tents/vehicles, with everything in it, will despawn after a certain amount of time (maybe the moment when the body despawns). So anybody has an opportunity the become the new "owner" by saving the tent/vehicle just as you can loot a dead body. Groups can save the stuff their dead buddy, playing in a group gives you an advantage just as IRL. I don't like the idea of skillsets, especially gunskills if you're good at handling the controls then you're good at it. What possibly could work is the more times you do things the faster you do them. Things like blood transfusions and engine repairs should take far more time. Ofc any progress of repairing/transfusing or whatever will be saved when you interrupt an action and you won't get locked in an animation. Imagine your car breaks down in a zombie infested town and an repair would take 10 min.The ability the do those things real fast (lets say 30 sec) could be a real advantage then. (The numbers are arbitrary). Just thinking up loud.
  10. After I started with a humanity of 2500 and that same skin as the OP. I thought it was the new survivor skin. I'm be no means a hero, never bandaged someone else just didn't kill a lot of players, maybe 2 or 3 since early May. Been playing and getting killed a lot tough :) .
  11. smallhil

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I've 2 boxes of antibiotics, if any of you medics wants them, they're yours. Don't have any need for them (yet :)) edit : I'm usually in the NE part of the map. Nevermind, got myself killed <_<
  12. This happened on a US veteran server tonight. I was running in the woods somewhere south of Rog castle when somebody started to talk to me. It scared the shit out of me, after looking around I saw a guy in ghillie suit with a bigass sniperrifle standing right in front of me. He asked if I needed anything and offered me a GPS and NVG's. My ruck was full, so I could take out of his. Initially I only took the NVG's but he insisted that I should take the GPS too. After I had transferd both to my inventory we saluted each other and he went his way. I was to shocked the to take notice of his name when he typed in direct chat. I've been killed many times, including by guys in ghillies in the woods, so this was an amazing moment for me, goodness and trust do exist in this cruel world. He could have killed me easily and he was taking a risk himself too. Thank you stranger, I should have given you some steaks.
  13. smallhil

    Hacker Recovery Thread

    Hi, Two days ago the server was on was nuked, lost my ghillie, L85 with thermal thingy, rangefinder and NVG's. In my current life I came across an heli crash site and now have 2 FAL's, one with a NV scope. I liked my previous setup beter, are you interested in a trade. I'll PM you my Skype.
  14. smallhil

    Dont Fight, Dance

    I really like these two, non-dayz tough: Just shows ArmA II really is the most realistic military simulator out there :D
  15. smallhil

    Pending Update: Build

    I think it would be an good idea to make you respawn at the same point over and over again if you were alive for a period of shorter then, let's say 30 minutes. If you survive longer then 30 minutes and you die, then you will respawn at an random place at the beach. This will make permadeath more perma which is good thing IMO. If you want to play with your friends and get back to your camp to get kitted out, you should work for it.
  16. smallhil

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    cool..lady survivors guess I've to put on some deoderant and brush my teeth before I try to join from now on :D.