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Everything posted by smallhil

  1. So if you're out of luck eating 3 steaks won't even stop your hungermeter flashing? I'm not sure I like this change, looks like it's to discourage a certain playstyle.
  2. Go to green mountain and explore, just do it. No harm in that I promise.
  3. smallhil

    Interview with Matthew Lightfoot

    Thank you mods for this great intiative. Did anybody else wonder if Orlok was wearing any clothes during the Q&A?
  4. smallhil

    DayZ airplane spawn time?

    The An2 is a biplane
  5. smallhil

    What clothing will YOU wear???

    Suit and tie. I think when you're going around ruining peoples dayz in Cherno it's only appropriate to look like a banker.
  6. smallhil

    Guy in the back...

    This is more or less how I play, it's probaly a good strategy to survive altough i'm getting a little borred by now. I'm currently on day 48, and my last deaths before that were caused by either hackers, glitches or one sided traffic accidents, those wooden fences are lethal.
  7. One day I was coming up the stairs of the Balota ATC when I heard some noise, I kept calling friendly but no reaction and put my hatched in my backpack so didn't give the wrong impression. When got upstairs there was a guy with an AK. I started saying "don't shoot, I'm friendly" I knew that I was more then likely to be shot, but I wanted to give it a try because I was a fresh spawn anyway. Not surprisingly that guy pointed his gun at my and I knew was going to be killed...again. But instead of "bang" I heard "click" :P . I drew my hatched out of my backpack and took a swing, it took two swings to get him bleeding while he was running downstairs. In the end we were running around the airstrip for 10 minutes like the Keystone cops before he bleed out and I could finish him. We must have looked like two idiots. Not proud of what I did I'm not the KOS type but somehow this guy got my pissed. edited: grammar (English is not my first language, I need more then one try)
  8. I've always been a fan of the original OFP and spent countless hours in the editor, never been much of a multiplayer. When I finaly could afford a rig that was able to run ArmA in april this year I got a taste for playing Domination. The only problem was that servers started to disapear only to be replaced be some silly zombie mission which I didn't really cared for. Well one night I deccided the give this zombie nonsens a try and haven't played much else since then. :P
  9. smallhil

    DayZ Easter Eggs

    Does Chernarus have christmas trees, you know like Everon in OFP?
  10. smallhil

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I'm wondering, will we be able to use the new Chernorus plus map in Arma?
  11. smallhil

    Banned for using Editor?

    As far as I know your user missions have nothing to do with anything that's running on a server. I have tons of mediocre homemade missions on my HD and never had any problems. If you somehow managed to upload something from your user mission files to a server then it is prolly another story. But I can't imagine something like that could happen by accident.
  12. I visit a lot ww2 discussions forum and some of those guys have nazi german names like Wittman or Peiper a bit doubius IMO.I wanted a "good-guy" name, so I chose Drabik after the first American GI over the Rhine.
  13. smallhil

    Combat loggers now get replaced with bots!

    All players are on the same side technically, each players is its own group, I guess the bots will be to, thus they won't shoot at "friendlies" ^_^
  14. smallhil

    Day Z is cruel

    The last deaths I had were all caused by horrible one-sided traffic accidents involving either an ATV or a tractor. Those things are deadlier than zombies or bandits.
  15. You know Psysyndicate is posting Wasteland videos on YT now, I think there even better then his Dayz ones. It's nice to see Arma getting some recognition it deserves, just hope the hackers and scripters stay away from the Domination or Wasteland servers.
  16. smallhil

    "Zombie Logging" What's your take?

    You' re not only cheating yourself but also every other player you effect by picking up loot, shooting guns, driving vehicles or whatever. You lost, you should be out of the game or on the beach totin a flashlight! edited:spelling
  17. smallhil

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    What's difference between MERCENARY and EXPERT? Just curious.
  18. smallhil

    DayZ mod on Namalsk

    So, are there any servers up yet?
  19. smallhil

    Devil Dog's Armory

    Are you selling or buying NVG's? I can offer an entrenching tool and a DMR + 2 mags for a pair of NVG's. Let me know if you're interested. ps: I'm not on the traders list but I have the hero skin because i'm not in killing other players.
  20. smallhil

    Devil Dog's Armory

    I've got an entrenching tool and 2 Bizon mags and really want some NVG's. If you want I can throw in a set of camo clothing and a can of MtDew.
  21. smallhil

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hi, Had an horrible traffic accident involving a wooden fence and a tractor and am badly in need of a blood transfusion. I'm in the Berezino area but currently not in game. EU servers have good ping for me and some eastern US are OK too. I would be very grateful for any medical assistance.
  22. smallhil

    Any 40 somethings play this game?

    I'm 41 and play between my naps.
  23. smallhil

    Middle age men who play Dayz

    I remember the ZX spectrum, it had rubber keys, learnt my self a bit of BASIC, IF, THEN, GOTO lol. Nowadays I'm just able to start my PC.
  24. I've the hero skin, but never ever bandaged or bloodbagged anyone, just didn't kill a lot of players (maybe 3 or 4 in the 4 months I've been playing)