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Everything posted by Borss

  1. Borss

    Getting respawned?

    Never heard of this issue........
  2. Maybe it's just karma for camping the airfield like a bitch.
  3. You have a $120 video card. That's why.
  4. Borss

    Vehicle - Save ?

    The save bus makes it save where you left it.
  5. Borss

    Gunrunners Arms Dealing

    Lol I know I was there silly.
  6. Borss

    Gunrunners Arms Dealing

  7. So don't buy it. Feel free to pay full price after we have tested it for you for a fraction of the cost.
  8. Borss

    Why I dislike this forum...

    The abusive people are most likely bullied in real life by their boss, wife, girlfriend or parents. They go on the forums and abuse people to regain a false sense of self worth. You should actually feel bad for them. It's kinda sad.
  9. When did they announce that they're using the Arma 3 engine?
  10. That doesn't mean dogs are the ONLY thing in the patch. *facepalm*
  11. Borss

    Dogs are in next patch !!!!!!

    Actually, the dogs will be trainable to help you find animals to hunt. Do some research people.
  12. Borss

    Gunrunners Arms Dealing

    Your server is not showing up for me....
  13. Borss

    Gunrunners Arms Dealing

    In game name: Borss What you're trading: Satchel Charge/2frags/camo clothing What you want: NVG age: 40 current clan (if in one): None will you be using overwatch (for my own safety): no. Also interested in joining your group if you're still looking for help.
  14. I am running a Gtx 670. Noemally I pull 60 FPS steady (vsync) aside from the normal frame drops in Cherno and Electro. I wasn't having an issue earlier today but this evening I'm pulling 15-20fps max and I'm in the woods north of Cherno. I'm also having longer than normal loading times. The odd thing is my video card is only running at 20% load and and idle clock speeds. I tried Battlefield 3 to rule out a GPU issue and it was back to 80-90% usage and proper boost clocks so it's not that. Anyone else having similar issues?
  15. Borss

    Wierd problem

    So I was looting the NW airfield when I lagged out and got dropped. No biggie, I'll just join another server I thought. Well now when I join a new server I either get stuck loading or when I do manage to get in it's night time. The odd thing is that I'm only joining US servers and it's currently 5:30pm eastern time. Anyone else having this issue? I have no NV goggles so nightime isn't an option at the moment.
  16. Try running vanilla arma 2 real quick and it should go away. It's a well known bug.
  17. Borss

    Unusual poor performance.

    Try changing servers.
  18. Borss

    Poor performance

    I did change servers and it's fine now. Thanks.
  19. Borss

    The Latest Patch

    Just launch from the exe in your Steam apps folder. I had to do that because I changed the target line on the launcher in my Steam library. You will then be able to untick dayz in the mods and add ons tab and restart.
  20. Borss


    So I started a new game and got a lucky spawn, during the day near one of the big cities. I start looting for like 30 minutes and suddenly my screen goes black. Next thing I know I'm teleported into the middle of the woods and it's night time. My weapon is gone and leg is broken. The loser didn't even kill me. He just left me in the middle of no where to crawl around. I can't even restart. People are so pathetic.