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About Kegel_Exercise

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    On the Coast

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  1. Kegel_Exercise

    AU1 / ANZ4 (Pretty much every AU/ANZ Server)

    Thats really sad that so many people get their kicks out of ruining what could be an amazing game. I still enjoy playing but i think the real essence of the game is pretty much gone for me. I no longer care whether i live or die knowing that at anytime i can just be wiped out which makes this just like any other game. It's no longer a special game unless this is sovled, i have seen the spams from BE saying they are working on fixing the hacker problem, fingers crossed they can do what they claim.
  2. Kegel_Exercise

    AU1 / ANZ4 (Pretty much every AU/ANZ Server)

    The hacker craze has spread so quickly that soon this game will be lost as a "good try but no". If they want to keep people interested they need to do something otherwise by the time the standalone come out most people will have forgotten about the game.
  3. Yesterday at about 5:10pm AEST GMT10+ I connected to AU1 server and continued my previous adventure from a few dayz before. Having acquired an M14, M107 and almost every piece of equipment i needed while i was trying to catch up with a friend. After playing for about 10 minutes a hacker nuked the entire server, I lost everything. Playing on ANZ 4 a week or so ago the same thing happened. Playing on our friends over a SoD's server a hacker thunderdomed every player to the NW airfield and turned anyone with a weapon into goats... funny but annoying, luckily SoD's server admin was quick enough to kill the server before the info got back to the hive and most people's loadout were saved. Before these events I have only seen a hacker once but recently i've noticed alot more hacking activity (in AU/NZ servers anyway). This is making the game unplayable which has caused myself and a few of my friends to turn away which is a massive shame. This game is fantastic but until player security is properly addressed this game should not be played in a public server, there is nothing more frustrating then losing all the time and effort you put in to have it taken away from you by some basement dwelling megalomaniac. I'm sure there is alot of work in doing this but while the game is fairly stable full attention should be focused on hacking/cheating
  4. Kegel_Exercise

    SoC (Shadows of Chernarus) australia

    And which server would one find your guys on... :P
  5. Kegel_Exercise

    An open question to Bandits.

    Survival of the fittest, after a while you don't have time to make a moral decision due to the likely target you have become, the more you find the more your worth for someone elses survival, if they are armed they can kill you, kill or be killed
  6. Worst thing I've done... well there are a few but here's a short story. I was unarmed and searching the airfield of Balota when i heard sniper fire, figuring i had nothing to lose i headed towards the gunfire and found a guy in a gillie suit with either a DMR or a AS50 (can't really remember) shooting at a fella over at the military camp in one of the hides. I crawled up to him and laid next to him, he turn around and spotted me to which i replied with a friendly "hello!" He got a chatting as he was trying to kill this guy over the road, i kept him busy talking while i opened his pack and took a silenced M4 CCO and all his ammo and then promptly RAN. I didn't try and kill him i figured i had done enough i just snatched and ran. Along the way i found a tent, this tent had an AKM and enough ammo to take down a small country, i noticed the tent had Lee Enfield ammo inside so i placed the Lee Enfield i had found at a nearby barn and the ammo i had collected inside the tent for the owner as a thankyou for the AKM (see im a nice person). *About an hour after i was 1 shotted by a zombie and eatten...* Also just to show that karma has been included into this game, a few lives later i found an alice pack i really needed in a general store, transferred all my stuff into it and just before i picked it up someone came running in (unarmed) took the pack and bolted... i tried to shoot them but they got too much of a head start and D/C'd... FML Karma Edit: also i'd like to appologise to anyone who was on AU1 the other night when me and a few friends ambushed you guys trying to land your helicopter at Devils Castle, we killed you all and nearly your driver, you got me but your lucky to have escaped i must say.