I really wish people played this way. But as of right now there isn't enough substance to keep people playing with out reverting to PvP. Things like Trade and scarcity of items causes people to play like you want... But as of now, ammo and weapons are far too ubiquitous, as in there is not real reason not to shoot every living thing because chances are, you have a lot of ammo and so do they. This causes people to go into COD mode where their life revolves around "PwnING NoObs" with their "M4D Sk1llz". I long for the day when people play the game with the emotional investment and humanity that I think most people start off with until they realize that such feelings and play style are superfluous when running and gunning is the name of the game. But sadly I don't feel like this is a reasonable expectation considering the games current popularity and exposure. Also, on a final note, one of the key components to your suggested play style is value of life. Personal or otherwise. Considering that you get as many spawns as you like, life really looses its inherent value. If everyone only got one life and that was it, I believe you'd see a really big change in player dynamics...but this is a game and a one life system defeats the purpose. I just wanted to agree with you on certain points but also point out as to why what you ask is a pipe dream.