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About laser-gods

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    On the Coast
  1. laser-gods

    DayZ Stories

    Hello fellow DayZers, decided to create an account here just to post in this thread! Last night I made it to NW Airfield for the first time. I made my way there from Cherno, mainly sticking to the forests and hills. About halfway there, near the village of Vishnoye the sun started to go down and darkness set in. I had an AKS but only 5 rounds left after having to take down a few zombies. I used what light there was left to make my way North, got lost a few times, and ended up using my last ammunition to defend myself from more zombies. By the time I reached the Airfield perimeter I'd switched to my hatchet and was down to 7000 blood. I had a water bottle and 2 food cans left. It was now pitch black and pissing down with rain as well, visibility was reduced to about 10 meters in front of me. I took shelter in a shed and lit a campfire, ate a can of beans, and moved on. I decided it would be best to enter the Airfield at night to avoid bandits and snipers. But I got sloppy. In my desperation to get through to the hangars I alerted 4 zombies. I whipped out my hatchet and managed to hack 3 down, but the last one left me bleeding and with a broken leg. I used my last bandages, took some painkillers and dragged myself towards the hangars across the airstrip. It took me 20 minutes but I made it to the first hangar. I threw a flare but in the darkness I accidentally tossed it against the door and it bounced back and landed basically right on me. Zombies were on top of me again, I desperately crawled inside the hangar looking for a weapon. I stumbled across a PDW, equipped and emptied half a magazine into the chasing zombies. I was so low on blood the screen was a blur. I ate my last bean can and drank my water bottle. I knew I was in deep shit. No food or water left, a broken leg, zombies everywhere. I considered suicide. I had a grenade on me, which would make things easy. Then I heard a gunshot. It was so close I almost jumped out of my seat. I saw zombies running past the hangar. More gunshots. Bullet impacts on the ground in front of me and the wall next to me. I dragged myself into the corner of the hangar, aimed my PDW and readied myself for a fight. Probably a very one-sided fight considering the state I was in. Instead what I got was "Are you ok?" I told him I had a broken leg. "I've got Morph" he replied. I promised I was friendly and crawled outside. He shot me up with morphine, I thanked him. I was about to offer him some ammo but he disappeared into the night. I made my way across the hangars to the AC Tower, found myself an AK and a load of mags. Decided to bunker down in there and call it a night. I thought I was done for, and definitely never expected anyone to help me out. This game is full of surprises...