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Everything posted by ixtilion

  1. You are not bandits. You just murder unarmed / new players while thinking that you are "pro" and boasting about your l33t murders. You think you are good at the game when all you do is sit on a hill, behind a tree, away from all the danger, just sniping people with your probably duped gear. You make me feel ashamed of belonging to the same race you do. Please, go play ArmA II Death Match in multiplayer. Oh wait, you are scared to fight against people that can shoot back, I forgot.
  2. ixtilion

    To all the scum at elektro hill

    He said he got sniped only once and it was in cherno. Do you know what "." means? It spearates 2 sentences
  3. ixtilion

    To all the scum at elektro hill

    There is a difference between Race and Ethnicity
  4. ixtilion

    Camo Clothing or Ghillie Suit?

    Wrong, if the server has the "armor" setting turned on (which most servers have on by default) the camo clothing will give you a "bonus defense" against small fire arms
  5. ixtilion

    To all the scum at elektro hill

    See, there is a problem with your attittude of "If you dont like something, dont play it / don't go to that place". If we followed your reasoning method, no one would complain about glitches or things they want added / fixed in the game, because they would just "stop playing it" instead of complaining. No one would say that a TV series is bad and what is bad about it, because someone would say "dont watch it hurr". When there are things that people don't like, they will complain, just to relieve the stress or to try and get that thing fixed, so get over it.
  6. ixtilion

    To all the scum at elektro hill

    It seems like you are a bit dense. I do know how to avoid risk zones and I do know how to play for I stayed alive for 14 days. Just the fact that I'm pointing out how sad some player's attittude is that doesn't mean I "dont know how to play"
  7. ixtilion

    Bus inside Firestation, Cherno, UK 172

    bus still around? could use a ride :D
  8. So just a question for server admins out there, why dont you allow custom faces in your servers? If it is because the size just make it be <100kb, If its is because something else, would you mind telling me? Maybe the servers have this option turned off by default? Thanks!
  9. Yes but that's what I said, they can easily put a limit of 100k for example for the file. This face is badassery itself, would be nice to roll around chernarus wearing this :D http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/7434/t2pn2.jpg
  10. ixtilion

    To all the scum at elektro hill

    I fully agree on the "survival of the fittest" or KOS if you the other person may be a threat. But these people dont kill to "survive" they just do it for fun. What I wanted to say is, that if you just play dayZ with the sole purpose of killing other people, you might aswell jump into ArmA 2 multiplayer, where you will have a FAIR battle against other people with the same gear you have.
  11. ixtilion

    To all the scum at elektro hill

    No, but it seems like they harvested your brain. This people is low. Low people that kill a freshly-unarmed spawn make me feel unconmfortable, so I make a post and describe these people in an objective way. After reading your some of the answers I think that you are the ones that are mad, truth makes you get sad huh?
  12. ixtilion

    To all the scum at elektro hill

    I was just pointing out something. No they won't stop Nice elaborate and intelligent answer to a common problem that most newcomers are suffering. Way to go! Lets see what other 12 years old-like answers I get
  13. If someone wants to dupe he will just rollback to, find a server, dupe there and update to :/
  14. ixtilion

    I Want To Trade My Mountain Dew

  15. ixtilion

    Hero Skin Bandits

  16. ixtilion

    Trading for Camo Clothing

    No need to make 6 topics...
  17. ixtilion

    Thermal sight needs to be removed

    It doesn't take a genius to switch weapons if you enter a CQ enviroment, anyway its also useful in cities, you can just get to the top of a building and scan the city. A thermal scope, like it or not, is overpowered as you can see in those videos. It tells you where everyone is within your range
  18. ixtilion

    Thermal sight needs to be removed

    it's not about being butthurt, it's about being OBJECTIVE. A thermal scope clearly breaks the game, and people like YOU, that scream "butthurt" at every complain without analyzing it objectively are the ones that make this community this bad. So, does your brain understand that being able to have the all seeing eye scope is game-breaking?
  19. ixtilion

    Play what you paid for

    so much truth in a post OP
  21. ixtilion

    How to unflip an ATV

    I used to hit it with a car but it went flying up in the sky and landed after 10 seconds. blowing up to pieces. So frustrating D:
  22. I should have never picked up that stupid mountain dew since then everything went downhill
  23. ixtilion

    ALT+F4 as a defense against hackers.

    Googled it but cant find anything clear. Why doesnt this script works "space:: WinClose A" ? If not provided with any parameters it is supposed to close the active window (http://www.autohotke...ds/WinClose.htm), sorry to bother you but well, cant seem to understand this ¬¬
  24. ixtilion

    Come get me.

    I have one satchel charge. Do not make me blow you and your little excuse for a hideout into pieces
  25. ixtilion

    ALT+F4 as a defense against hackers.

    So where is this "Killgroup1" and "ahk_class" syntax from? could you be more specific?