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About ixtilion

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  1. Dont use tents, they are bugged... never got a tent to save, ever
  2. ixtilion

    Soldier Clothing

    Man you are gonna get perma banned, CD-key banned, rocket said that using hacked items is against the rules and might even give an IP-zone ban in some cases :/
  3. ixtilion

    Nice deathmatch you got there

    Go play COD duping scumbag using hacked weapons
  4. Was going to type the EXACT SAME PHRASE. Stopped watching there. p.s.:If you are playing in servers which show where you are in the map or show a waypoint to a marked objective well, you dont really need it, but otherwise it's a vital tool
  5. ixtilion

    Video of Rocket rolling on the floor

    Yeah, shows that rocket's a good guy and appreciates fans :)
  6. ixtilion

    Video of Rocket doing the croquet

    Well in spanish it's "croqueta" but I dont know the english word... One of these things with ham and cheese inside http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/57/Croquettes_with_salad.jpg/250px-Croquettes_with_salad.jpg
  7. So, first of all the guy on the left is a spanish youtuber who aks people ingame: "If you are friendly, do the croquet" (its a spanish term that means to roll on the floor sideways). Seems like he convinced Rocket to do so, worth a watch :D
  8. So, first of all the guy on the left is a spanish youtuber who aks people ingame: "If you are friendly, do the croquet" (its a spanish term that means to roll on the floor sideways). Seems like he convinced Rocket to do so, worth a watch :D
  9. ixtilion

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    Nice legit and non-duped gear you got there. Nice amount of Sandbags, one of the rarest items in game, and nice amount of soldier suits, a totally non-scripted in item. Also, a really mature name that shows your mental age. I'm gonna give you a 1/10 because you are at least trying.
  10. ixtilion

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    Hey OP, can you answer my other post? Or do facts hurt you too much? YOU DO NOT HAVE PROOF, WE DO. NOW SHUT UP.
  11. ixtilion

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    Do you have a way to prove that soldier camo spawns in heli sites? NO. Do we have a proof that it isnt legit? YES, DAYZ WIKI. Now please, shut up OP, you must be 10 or something with that attittude of yours. Just the "0" in your number that makes you so l33t and the "YT" at the end that make you an attenttion whore speak for themselves. Now, you are using SCRIPTED IN ITEMS (scripted, not hacked in, you are a kid and wouldn't know what hacking means even if someone slapped you in the face with it) and bragging about it, making a post to try and make some friends by giving them gear, shows how alone you really are. Also, before crying "HURR BUT SOLDIER CLOTHING IS LEGI IT SPAWNS WIKI IS BAD" you better have some video evidence to back it up, or some official announcement.
  12. ixtilion

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    OP, you sound like a mad 12 years old kid. You don't want to admit that you are using hacked in gear / weapons, I dont care if you use camo, really, but using weapons that have a clear advantage over legit weapons and denying that some of that gear is scripted in makes you look like a fool. I hope you get banned for stupidity.
  13. You sir make me feel sorry for your parents. He is telling a truth and exposing his arguments, there has been no gameplay/content addition in a long time, and that is what an alpha is for. Now some of you will say "it is a mod, developing isn't easy, it takes time to do things", well, we didn't get a single announcement about things to come, for all I know, they just work on fixing graphical bugs, bring back old features, delay the patch and dont get the graphical issue fixed. So maybe they could be a little more communicative with the alpha community. So before opening your mouth, use that damaged brain you have to think a bit. People that say "DONT LIKE IT DONT PLAY IR HURR" when someone tosses a critic or a complaint about something are the worse.
  14. ixtilion


    Make an UT-like announcement saying: THE HORDE HAS BEEN RELEASED. Release 200 zombies and add some tension music. Enjoy people batsh*t scared running around to high ground.
  15. Legit weapon I'd say, its in the wiki