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About Carvin.Jimi

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  1. Carvin.Jimi

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Mh, it still dies at the loading screen. Anything else? It worked perfectly yesterday
  2. Carvin.Jimi

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Got a link to that? I donwloaded something but I didnt work
  3. Carvin.Jimi

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    That Update messed up DayZ for me somehow. Everytime when I connect to the server it crashes at loading screen and sends no response anymore. Anyone else with that?
  4. Carvin.Jimi

    DayZ Screenshots!

    No, I was not aware that there was a Hero skin. How high does your Humanity have to be for it?
  5. Carvin.Jimi

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Wait, this is the Hero skin?
  6. Carvin.Jimi

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    Humanity is shown again? Didnt see it. Is it with that new rolling update? And is there something like a Hero skin too?
  7. Carvin.Jimi

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    Just for curiousity, how much kills do you need to be a bandit?
  8. Carvin.Jimi

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

    Uhrm, even if I sound Like a total noob now. How do I find these files on XP when I got the game over steam? Seems like I am too retarded to find it.
  9. Carvin.Jimi

    [Video] Robbing Noobs - EP2

    You guys seriously should visit a therapy.
  10. Carvin.Jimi

    DayZ Screenshots!

    two things, how do you get the camo paint for the face and how do you sit down for example next to a fire?
  11. Carvin.Jimi

    Camo Clothing Quality Bug

    Okay, it seems to be BAF then. I got the PMC. Thanks though :)
  12. Carvin.Jimi

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    The only bad thing about this was that the awesome bandit skin got removed. It should be brought back as a type of Camo Clothing. Would be awesome. Since I am german I love that skin :) Our KSK.
  13. I am not quite sure if this is the right section for it, but I googled for quite a time now and I did not find anything that would help me out. So here's my problem. I found the Camo Clothing several times now, but when I wear it the graphic looks all blurry like in these Screenshots. I tried playing around with the Graphic settings, but nothing worked. Not even every graphic setting to max. Some Help on this is very appreciated since I hate looking at this piece of blurry green and brown piece of clothings. Thanks already
  14. Carvin.Jimi

    clothes and backpacks

    Totally agreed, for example the old Bandit skin should be available as Camo Clothing model