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About Selfmadeee

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Selfmadeee

    Cya all, and bb DayZ

    All i've read was: mimimi
  2. Selfmadeee

    First gun you ever found in DayZ?

    Remington! I really enjoyed it because it has a Flashlight and it was Night when I played DayZ for the first time :D
  3. Selfmadeee

    Go Raid My Whole BIG CAMP!

    wow, your camp is REALY BIG!!!!!!!11oneoneeleven
  4. Selfmadeee

    Temporary fix to artifacting

    That flush thingie never worked for me. It just makes it worse.
  5. This may sound stupid but...Who the fucking hell is Sacriel? lol
  6. Selfmadeee

    Heres a camp for you to raid

    Wut? I never ghosted dood.
  7. oppps, did doublepost by mistake.
  8. Selfmadeee

    Survivor Colony!

  9. Selfmadeee

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    Could need some svd camo ammo. Hit me with a pm and we can see what I can offer you!
  10. Yea im looking for a female gamer also. Please attach nudes only in the application. kthxbai
  11. Selfmadeee

    Epic disappointment x 2

  12. Selfmadeee

    King of DayZ

  13. Selfmadeee

    Free Suff

    Some1 got kicked from their Squad I guess :D