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Red_ (DayZ)

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About Red_ (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Red_ (DayZ)

    Will I be able to run?! Please help!

    Alright cheers guys! Just currently downloading ArmA II Operation Arrowhead demo and going to test the graphics:)
  2. Red_ (DayZ)

    Will I be able to run?! Please help!

    I've mentioned previously using System Requirements Lab:P And thanks! I'll be sure to download the demo and mess around with the graphics! Thanks! *edit Lnxa, i'm not sure whether to believe you. I'm a total freaking noob to this but I have duel with over double that CPU. And I just searched that GTX and it cost £700+. I've been trolled..
  3. Red_ (DayZ)

    Will I be able to run?! Please help!

    That doesn't answer my question?
  4. Hey. I was looking at purchasing ArmA II primarily to play Day-Z as most of my friends do and it seems really fun! System Requirements Lab took a look at my PC and rejected it as capable of playing ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead, so I wasn't too sure whether I'd be able to play Day-Z even on lowest settings, though, I can run ArmA II fine according to SRL just not recommended. My Specs (and remember, I'm happy to play on the lowest possible settings): Processor: Pentium® Dual-Core CPU E5500 @ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz Installed Memory (RAM): 4.00 GB System Type: 64-bit operating system Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 310 Thanks ~ Red
  5. Red_ (DayZ)

    Taming Animals

    I had this idea earlier. But maybe if you installed wolves into the game and dogs, you could tame them and make them one of your own which would enable them to fight for you? I don't think this would be over powered because it would take a long time to get a hoard of wolves and you would certainly deserve the reward, and obviously after each raid/attack you are bound to lose a few dogs. Good idea?