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Posts posted by azen

  1. hey im needing help bad :)

    A. brutha

    b. low blood, broken legs, passed out. (timer up?)

    C. in a barn, e side top level. C are 253, on the comp, 236 on the moutian icon, the map says 039106

    D. gillie suit, pistol.

    any help would be great :0

    Hey mate, I am one of the TMW member (Not a medic, I need to go some more training though ;])

    Hmm If you can join teamspeak: ts.dayzmedics.com

    or add me on skype: nene574

    It'll just make things alot easier on us :D

  2. Hey, I am currently in ZELENOGORSK with 3000 Blood.

    I would move to some where but my screen is "wobbling" and fairly blury with really hurts my eyes and I can't really navigate.

    (I have blue eyes which is a very sensitive color).

    If any one can just get to there maybe with a vechile or some thing even not a vechile what ever all I need is just a Blood Bag Transfusion and thats it :)


    Skype: nene574

  3. So as the title said, My last teamate was kille'd and flustrated so I'm looking for a new one for now :)

    This is like my 3rd' post about this but no one is online right now... -_-

    Just not a young immature kid with a squeaky voice thats just a it, and Some one who is not new in the game cuz I am kinda new, I know some about the game, places, Items and w/e but Still I can't teach some1.

    Contact Information:

    Skype: nene574

    Steam: Rellax

    (You might no find me on steam so just add me at skype).

  4. H'mmm I posted a theard not here, (Didnt know this theard existe'd, Well I did but didn't find it) and some guy name'd Teach, Immidiatly replie'd to my theard and didn't wait a second, He came to help me with blood bags, bandages, gave me some items, and helpe'd me scout some houses + really Teache'd me some things, great guy :D just wante'd to say thanks.

    • Like 1

  5. I'm currently In pusta bleeding out (7,XXX HP) (X = some kind of number).

    I need a bandage and a blood bag, I'm preety much new, And I'm tired of getting killed for foolish reasons, and I lose my items at least 6-8 times a day, So if any one has the time and will to help me out here I would really appriciate that, Please I am begging of you pepole, No scumbags I bearly have anything I spent about 2 hours by now and I'm new so all I got is Double barrel, Makarov, 1 Soda can and just random useless stuff, Please do help dont kill.

    Communication Methods:

    Skype: Nene574

    Steam: Rellax

  6. Hello, So as you probably know I'm looking for some expireinced players at DayZ cuz ima noob :)

    Just bought it a few days ago I bearly know the game so I hope some1 is like there to teach me

    (Im a quick learner just too lazy for youtube its too boring by yourself).

    H'mmm just not a 12 yearold with a squeaky voice (No offence I had once a squeaky voice) and thats just about it.

    Preferebly from the UK for similiar time zone.

    Skype: nene574

    Steam: PentiuMz

  7. I'm new at DayZ, Bought the game just a few days ago and I was looking at youtube for some guides and still not too fun to learn the game that way, I'f some one is looking for a gaming partner i'll be glad if he add me to skype: nene574

    H'mmm just not some 12 yearold or something with a squeaky voice (no offence I had a squeacky voice once :D)

    And not some one who is new and doe's not know much about the game I'm here to learn to teach and learn.
