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About CQ2

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. managed to resolve the issue by setting the video memory to very high, then to default.
  2. Whats wrong with making suggestions for new features? Are you saying we should just accept the game as is and not question or offer feedback on any of it? It was only an idea, no need to be a troll.
  3. CQ2

    Green Mountain - Share Your Stories

    Turning off AA fixes the issue in most locations (ie. Balota AF and Cherno Center) but tried everything at Green Mountain with no luck. Was playing with a friend who has the same issue. turn everything on, everything off, mixed it up but no joy.
  4. CQ2

    Green Mountain - Share Your Stories

    Been there but he game is too glitchy near the military buildings. Had to leave and raid deer stands nearby. Not the most eventful of stories I guess
  5. How bout suggesting a dive/ dodge button. A slow to reload, high energy using movement that might just save your life by getting you outta the way of oncoming traffic? Maybe even add in the risk of spraining or hurting yourself to avoid it be abused as a way of dodging bullets?
  6. CQ2

    Im done for now

    Nevermind the doors, LADDERS!! :P The number of times i've tried to climb a ladder only to fall to my death by breaking and spraining everything then bleeding out. Whilst it and the other bugs do get frustrating, the game isn't finished. I simply log my feedback on the forums and move along (the ground cos I don't do ladders anymore, and no I haven't accidentally hit drop) - Oh and on the topic of grammar, remember that some people are dyslexic. Whilst being intelligent they can struggle to accurately type/ write what they're thinking. I've started to notice it myself which is worrying.
  7. CQ2

    Green mountain?

    A friend and I were at green mountain today. With the constant sound of gunshots and artifacting bug making it impossible to see anything all we could do was quietly raid the nearby deerstands and sneak off.
  8. Spose it would be very bad if well organised squads were easily able to start together. The larger teams would dominate easily.
  9. For bashing/ stun, using primary's as melee etc I was thinking: 1a) A generic melee attack button provided you have a weapon or suitable object in your hand. If your being chased by a Zed and run out of ammo for your Shotgun/Rifle etc would you give up? No, you'd start swinging the butt like a club and smash the Zed's skull in. The animation for each weapon type could be unique too which would be an awesome touch. i.e Pistol whip to the head, rifle butt to the chest, swinging the shotgun like a baseball bat etc. Some weapons such as the mp5/uzi wouldn't be much use this way though i'd think. Maybe even add in a feature that you could potentially break your weapon by doing so. It'd be a last resort option. scenario: Being chased by one zed, low health, 'fuck it!' *turns round and smashes zombie*. 'aww i've trashed my rifle, but at least i'm alive.' 1b) It would be a nice feature if you could kinda stun with the Melee attack to buy time as well. So instead of just stopping dead to swap primary to secondary (or vice versa), Melee bash the zed with the butt of rifle/ pistol whip, swap to alternative weapon and boom! It could also act as a 'get-away move', bash the zombie/ knock it to the ground and gain some distance from it whilst it recovers. 2) Also you should be able to perform a running melee attack. Ever swung a bat whilst running at a target? If anything it should be more powerful but take longer to recover from or risk throwing yourself off balance. 3) If your just starting out with your bare hands and got attacked by a Zed at the very least you'd attempt to shove the thing on it's ass by pushing it away. 2hands, push the zed to the ground and make your escape whilst it recovers (still useless against being chased by 2+ zeds but could save your life solo zed) The attack could have a risk factor so if you attempt to shove the zed but miss you'd stumble and actually make yourself more vulnerable.
  10. I mainly play with 1 friend and spend the majority of our time just trying to meet up after deaths etc. I don't think players should necessarily be able to spawn together but should maybe have the option of selecting a rough location. Even just the choice of spawning A) South Coast B) South East Coast C) East Coast It wouldn't give you too much of an advantage that you could choose to say always spawn outside cherno, but would allow friends to at least know they going to be within 10-15 mins of each other. Right now if one of us dies we have to either keep committing suicide by zombie until we spawn close enough to the other character (Might as well bring back respawn option) or spend the first half hour of each session running across the map to each other. This is a real pain because we can only play a few hours a night at most cos of work and most of it is running in one direction across open terrain until we meet up somewhere.
  11. CQ2

    Full Whiskey Bottle?

    What about the Whiskey bottle (full or empty) as a one use weapon? Bottle of JD to the head anyone? that'll leave a good dent. Maybe even the chance of a second hit as a stabbing weapon once it's been broken. Smash the bottle across the Zed's head then ram the shards into their face. Or have I been spending too much time in Scotland? :P
  12. CQ2

    Hand Axe Suggestion

    I agree with OP. Hand axe should be optionally prim/ sec. I'd much prefer to have a rifle or something in primary plus a hatchet in secondary for those silent kills. ATM you've to either forgoe a primary weapon in favour of silent kills or -awkwardly swap primary to backpack (or drop on ground cos starter back pack will eat your primary) -then remove axe from tool belt, -switch from secondary to primary (sec. is auto selected when prim. gone), -then reload axe -make your silent kill. Having killed the Zed you then need to place the axe back in toolbelt and re-equip the primary from the ground or from back pack. It's an awful lot of steps just to quietly take out that one Zed barring your path without picking up aggro. I'd also suggest: 1) A Melee slot that can be swapped to. The axe is on your tool belt and can be accessed but requires you to drop your gun. In reality you'd holster/ throw the gun over shoulder (the same way you would if changing weapons) and start swinging with axe. and/ or 2a) A generic melee attack button provided you have a weapon or suitable object in your hand. If your being chased by a Zed and run out of ammo for your Shotgun/Rifle etc would you give up? No, you'd start swinging the butt like a club and smash the Zed's skull in. The animation for each weapon type could be unique too which would be an awesome touch. i.e Pistol whip to the head, rifle butt to the chest, swinging the shotgun like a baseball bat etc. Some weapons such as the mp5/uzi wouldn't be much use this way though i'd think. Maybe even add in a feature that you could potentially break your weapon by doing so. It'd be a last resort option. scenario: Being chased by one zed, low health, 'fuck it!' *turns round and smashes zombie*. 'aww i've trashed my rifle, but at least i'm alive.' 2b) It would be a nice feature if you could kinda stun with the Melee attack to buy time as well. So instead of just stopping dead to swap primary to secondary (or vice versa), Melee bash the zed with the butt of rifle/ pistol whip, swap to alternative weapon and boom! It could also act as a 'get-away move', bash the zombie/ knock it to the ground and gain some distance from it whilst it recovers. 3) Also you should be able to perform a running melee attack. Ever swung a bat whilst running at a target? If anything it should be more powerful but take longer to recover from or risk throwing yourself off balance.
  13. CQ2

    zeds with weapons?

    The zombies can aggro over long distances already causing problems. Giving the thing a rifle would be a nightmare. Potentially infinite snipers everywhere. Doors should be more of an issue, they should have to bash their way through them or something. Or the door will only give way if there's enough zeds pushing on it. So a door could stop/ delay 1 zombie but won't stop a horde. Or maybe have it that they retain some sense of their human traits. It wouldn't be visible but some could be smarter than others and use the door handle, some could be stronger than others and smash their way in, some could be weak and dumb and just be totally stopped by a door. There would be no reliable indicator though so you'd always have the moment of 'Is he gonna get in here?' *watches door as the handle slowly turns / Zed comes charging through it / gentle thumping and scratching noises *
  14. CQ2

    At least one more melee weapon

    I'd suggest: 1) A Melee slot that can be swapped to. The axe is on your tool belt and can be accessed but requires you to drop your gun. In reality you'd holster/ throw the gun over shoulder (the same way you would if changing weapons) and start swinging with axe. and/ or 2a) A generic melee attack button provided you have a weapon or suitable object in your hand. If your being chased by a Zed and run out of ammo for your Shotgun/Rifle etc would you give up? No, you'd start swinging the butt like a club and smash the Zed's skull in. The animation for each weapon type could be unique too which would be an awesome touch. i.e Pistol whip to the head, rifle butt to the chest, swinging the shotgun like a baseball bat etc. Some weapons such as the mp5/uzi wouldn't be much use this way though i'd think. Maybe even add in a feature that you could potentially break your weapon by doing so. It'd be a last resort option. scenario: Being chased by one zed, low health, 'fuck it!' *turns round and smashes zombie*. 'aww i've trashed my rifle, but at least i'm alive.' 2b) It would be a nice feature if you could kinda stun with the Melee attack to buy time as well. So instead of just stopping dead to swap primary to secondary (or vice versa), Melee bash the zed with the butt of rifle/ pistol whip, swap to alternative weapon and boom! It could also act as a 'get-away move', bash the zombie/ knock it to the ground (depending on weapon weigth etc) and gain some distance from it whilst it recovers. 3) Also you should be able to perform a running melee attack. Ever swung a bat whilst running at a target? If anything it should be more powerful but take longer to recover from or risk throwing yourself off balance.
  15. CQ2

    Add a separate melee slot?

    I'd suggest: 1) A Melee slot that can be swapped to. The axe is on your tool belt and can be accessed but requires you to drop your gun. In reality you'd holster/ throw the gun over shoulder (the same way you would if changing weapons) and start swinging with axe. and/ or 2a) A generic melee attack button provided you have a weapon or suitable object in your hand. If your being chased by a Zed and run out of ammo for your Shotgun/Rifle etc would you give up? No, you'd start swinging the butt like a club and smash the Zed's skull in. The animation for each weapon type could be unique too which would be an awesome touch. i.e Pistol whip to the head, rifle butt to the chest, swinging the shotgun like a baseball bat etc. Some weapons such as the mp5/uzi wouldn't be much use this way though i'd think. Maybe even add in a feature that you could potentially break your weapon by doing so. It'd be a last resort option. scenario: Being chased by one zed, low health, 'fuck it!' *turns round and smashes zombie*. 'aww i've trashed my rifle, but at least i'm alive.' 2b) It would be a nice feature if you could kinda stun with the Melee attack to buy time as well. So instead of just stopping dead to swap primary to secondary (or vice versa), Melee bash the zed with the butt of rifle/ pistol whip, swap to alternative weapon and boom! It could also act as a 'get-away move', bash the zombie/ knock it to the ground (depending on weight of weapon etc) and gain some distance from it whilst it recovers. 3) Also you should be able to perform a running melee attack. Ever swung a bat whilst running at a target? If anything it should be more powerful but take longer to recover from or risk throwing yourself off balance.