Are you using an own dedicated server? If yes be sure to rename your configuration file (cfgdayz/server.cfg by default) to something not as easily guessable. As far as I know there are some scripts out there which allow everybody to get any file in the operation arrowhead directory, if he knows it's exact path. It's generally a good idea to move your server configuration directory (with the server.cfg, the .RPT log and the BattlEye files to a folder, which is not in your operation arrowhead directory. After you've done that you have to apply these changes to the arma2oaserver.exe launch options (-profiles=<path to your new profile location where the server.cfg and stuff is> -config=<path to you renamed server.cfg> An example: If you rename your cfgdayz folder to US123_RND and rename the server.cfg in that folder to server_1234.cfg the launch options should be -profiles=US123_RND -config=US123_RND/server_1234.cfg. But if the "hacker" could change your MOTD, he has to have access to the server over commandline/MSTSC, which implies that you have bigger security issues. If it is possible that your server has been breached I don't see another possibility than to reset your whole server.