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About marc.gaehwiler@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. marc.gaehwiler@gmail.com

    DE 1564 - Continuously locked

    Why do you protect rogue server owners who don't play by the official rules? If they want to play their own game they can install a private hive and lock their server whenever they want. The rules are very clear that you can never password protect or lock your server if you want to be connected to the hive. Oh yeah the server is unlocked atm and one player is online: http://i.imgur.com/hIBzc.jpg
  2. marc.gaehwiler@gmail.com

    Hacker DE 822 and server MOTD ABUSE

    Are you using an own dedicated server? If yes be sure to rename your configuration file (cfgdayz/server.cfg by default) to something not as easily guessable. As far as I know there are some scripts out there which allow everybody to get any file in the operation arrowhead directory, if he knows it's exact path. It's generally a good idea to move your server configuration directory (with the server.cfg, the .RPT log and the BattlEye files to a folder, which is not in your operation arrowhead directory. After you've done that you have to apply these changes to the arma2oaserver.exe launch options (-profiles=<path to your new profile location where the server.cfg and stuff is> -config=<path to you renamed server.cfg> An example: If you rename your cfgdayz folder to US123_RND and rename the server.cfg in that folder to server_1234.cfg the launch options should be -profiles=US123_RND -config=US123_RND/server_1234.cfg. But if the "hacker" could change your MOTD, he has to have access to the server over commandline/MSTSC, which implies that you have bigger security issues. If it is possible that your server has been breached I don't see another possibility than to reset your whole server.