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About ElectricSpark

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. because everyone think the north is dead they asume it's safer to store their loot somewhere there. a few clanmates and I raided about 3 player camps in the north :)
  2. ElectricSpark

    DayZ Stories

    I was just talking with some clanmates trough Mumble when they suddenly start to squeeling like crazy. They found a camp with about 4 tents all filled with some powerfull sniper rifles, ammo, gillie suits and larger backpacks. They looted the hell out of that place and got out of there like the devil was on their tail. I only just spawned for the first time so I didn't really have any idea. They told me to go to Dolina and try to find anything of use (found a winchester 1688 and a G17) later we met up at Berezino, a little bit north of the 4 military tents. They where still tense about looting that one camp (They decided to call it an admin camp since it has so much high valeu stuff in it) and me firing a random shot in the air while I'm with them scared the living hell out of them :) later when another friend found us (now a group of 4) we head for a camp they set up where a bus they have repaired is stationed. Meeting up at the camp was another friends of ours and we waited for another friend to log-in. Now a group of 6 we leave the bus in the trees and run trough the forest. Night has fallen and we don't see anything at all. so 2 guys with nightvision take point and one gets some Chem light on him so we can see him running. about 15 minutes later they yell 'CAMP!' and we all hit the deck and take off the chem light. remaining silent as possible. Even the mumble chat was quiet. after a few tense seconds we slowly crawn forward and suddenly one of the night vission guys yells 'JACKPOT!' 2 tents with some decent loot (got myself a bigger backpack and a map) and right behind it, locked off with barbed wire: 6 vehicles Couldn't be a more luckier loot for us. 2 ATV, 1 motorcycle, 1 Old Hatchback and 2 other cars I'm forgetting the name off. We called it a Hacker Camp since all 6 vehicles where fully repaired which was rather questionable. I'm completly forgetting the loot that is in the cars but we had 8 full jerry cans in the cars as well and so much food we are probably set for 2 weeks with our group. We heard a shot in the distance so we jumped in a vehicle each and drove off. laughing like crazy that we most lickly pissed some people off by stealing their cars. we drove back to where we left our bus but we lost one ATV somewhere along the way (got flipped on it side and just dissapeared.) Another clanmate joined the server playing for the first time so I tooke a detour with my car and one of the snipers and picked him up, filling up some empty jerry cans along the way and joined the rest of the clan. So the first 2 days in DayZ? 6 vehicles in total, an unrealistic amount of military grade ammo and guns and a whole lot of food. unfortunatly a hacker got in the server and we all teleported all over the place. one of our snipers ended up in Cherno and another one in Elektro, I ended up in Otmel (wherever that is). Currently we are regrouping. Vehicles: 1) http://sadpanda.us/images/1116484-UB837H4.png 2) http://sadpanda.us/images/1116483-UJ2ZNMA.png 3) http://sadpanda.us/images/1116479-XJ7M2M2.png
  3. changes are that you are driving a scripted vehicle (spawned by hacker) that's the conclusiong the group I'm with is thinking