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About >mfwnorespawn

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. >mfwnorespawn

    Why the respawn button should be in the game

    It wasnt neccessarily the Debug forest because we got Teleported to the north by Grozovoy Pass. So I'm assuming everyone got teleported to 000000. The only way I know this is because I joined a recruit server that allows you to use your map as a GPS. So the teleport to coastline thing wont work in this instance.
  2. >mfwnorespawn

    Why the respawn button should be in the game

    Yes, let the zombies kill you when you've been teleported outside the map and there are no zombies.
  3. So about maybe an hour ago i was walking around Chenro in BRA1. Suddenly the server turned to nighttime and it started raining. I then proceeded to get teleported to the middle of nowhere outside the map along with everyone else in the server. Then everyone got their legs broken and inventorys wiped. A few people started shooting everyone with winchesters, I'm not sure if these were hackers or people who didnt have their inventories wiped. I snuck up behind one of them, removed the hachet from my toolbelt (Which remained intact) and hacheted him. In hindsight I should've let him kill me but I will get to that in a sec. When I tried to open his inventory there was nothing there and my hachet disappeared. Then i noticed some headlights up ahead driving towards everyone. The man in the GAZ started running over everyone as they were trying to crawl away. In hindsight i should've let him run me over so I could respawn, but more on that later. I managed to hide behind a tree and the guy stopped as he hit the tree, i managed to jump into the back of the GAZ. He started driving around and then tried to hide the car in a pine tree, It appears he didnt see me get into his car, so i proceeded to get into the drivers seat and run him over. I started driving around looking for civilization and ran out of gas. I then rememebered that the respawn button was disabled so here i was, in the middle of nowhere with broken legs and nothing in my inventory with no way to get back to civilization. My only option was to wait and die from starvation. I changed servers and I was lucky enough to see that my inventory was restored. I luckily had a stick of morphine and a map so I was able to join a recruit server and use it t find the nearest town and heal my legs. But what about all those people who werent so lucky and are probably still crawling around outside of the map with no way to respawn. The game is an alpha there needs to be a way to reset your character in the event somthing like this happens. This hacking tactic will be abused until the respawn button comes back. Hackers will teleport people outside the map and essentially prevent them from playing the game because they cant respawn.