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About dhrpdewolf@gmail.com

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    On the Coast
  1. dhrpdewolf@gmail.com

    Turning Zombie

    My suggestion: When a player is dehydrated and Hungry (both below 50%) and gets bitten by a zombie he can get infected. he has 1 Hour to inject himself with antidote that drops as medium civilian loots or rare drops from zombies or players that turned zombie. (to hide the infection a player can regain strength by eating and drinking when the player gets dehydrated again and hungry he will make soft noises like a zombie) this makes it possible to buy time to get yourself healed without your ?buddy's? trying to kill you before they get eaten (just keep on drinking and eating) so there are 2 signs what gives away the infected (soft and quick sudden zombie noises or the heavy eating and drinking to keep himself strong) the levels of dehydration and hunger drop bit faster. when turned in zombie the player will go berserk and try to kill anyone in sight. this zombie is the toughest he can easily take you out in two blows and will effect you for certain. please let me know what you think. any comments are welcome except the negative stupid ones ;)