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About dreamc34@hotmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. dreamc34@hotmail.com

    DoW Know Combat Loggers

    GREAT story you know i seen this many times before and here is my story (WE DONT COMBAT LOG) my 2 friends were in fact not combat logging as they have lots of graphical glitches when they enter cities or campsites so and you also see the times between each loging 22:33:07 1 of my friend gets graphical glitches entering berinzino. 2min later he logs back in and it stoped. 4minutes later the glitches come back he logs logs off 1 hour later then comes backs 5min ahead of time.ALL OF THOSE ARE 5 TO 10 MINS AHEAD AND WE WERE NEVER ON A FIREFIGHT. MY COMPUTER DIED WHEN HE WAS SHOOTING ME....*(DONT BELIEVE ME SEARCH UP THIS CODE M1004 and see what it says bitch im using my dell laptop and it shutdown. so stop saying we combat log since we had killed 6 of your so called milatary friends and including you. half of them suck at aiming since i was proning down and shots were mising like shit good day to you bitch, milatary my ass i seen beter people shoot even with one eye. you got beat by 3 people. embarrising. **(NOT TO MENTION THAT YOU DUPE ALL THE TIME AND STOP YOUR SERVER JUST TO GET MORE ITEMS BECAUSE WHEN WE RAIDED YOUR BASE WE SAW LIKE 30 GHILI SUITS AND MASSIV LOADS OF GUNS SUCH A NOOB.)
  2. dreamc34@hotmail.com

    Motherload of loot 20 tents, locations included

    These pricks on server 1/9 wdu stoped there server placed a password and moved there tents to a new location i vote that this server gets black listed because of these F**** pricks they ban and kick people because we stole there loot and killed them. these people are pathetic bitches... they call themselves hardcore realism millatery pfft my ass there fuckin babies that ban because they loss crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. dreamc34@hotmail.com


    DayZ - US35 ( (Regular|3D:ON|CH:OFF) dayzmod.com - (Tags: OFF) MASSIVE LOOTS ON BOTH SPOTS* TAKE WATEVER YOU WANT FROM BOTH, BUT AT THE END PLEASE DESTROY THE TENTS http://img843.images...9048/base1i.jpg ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RAID RAID RAID RAID RAID YOU WONT BE DISAPOINTED :D ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOTE I KNOW THIS BEEN SEEN BUT STILL IN CASE YOU HAVENT SEEN IT THERE IS A MASSIVE LOOT
  4. dreamc34@hotmail.com

    Motherload of loot 20 tents, locations included

    I vote for them to be blacklisted from the hive i got banned for stealling an item from there tents, then they restarted it:( they are horrible people. plz blacklist