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MooFo (DayZ)

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About MooFo (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Name: Ryan Age: 17 Location: USA Timezone: Central Yes I do meet the requirements. IGN: MooFo Steam ID: Darkbomb23 Role: Medic Why: The reason i want to join you guys, is because your group and server is amazing. I played with you men a couple times (when ever the server is up), you help every one who needs it. I would like to be apart of that team. I noticed you guys don't have very many medics, and that is one of my favorite things to do. My last reason for wanting to join is because, one of your members said that the server is up when you have enough members online to guard the camp, and i am online almost every day of the week. Skills: Accuracy, Stealth, very good driver, supply runs. I also take orders very well and has gotten use to dying so wont be afraid to do it for the cause.