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About Fantomblu

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Fantomblu

    Was fun while it lasted! It will make you laugh!

    That was freaking hilarious!
  2. LOL that was hilarious!
  3. Hate to bring more bad news..but this was happening BEFORE I posted this early this morning before .4 went live.. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15696&pid=143830#pid143830
  4. Fantomblu

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Rut roh! Didn't we just have a problem with this? Please elaborate!
  5. Fantomblu

    Give me my stuff back.

    Yeah, that's about right.. OP, you do realize this is in Alpha and you will never get your stuff back. We are TESTERS and NOT paying customers. Nut up and go gear searching again like the rest of us. EDIT: Actually, you may want to wait for the next hotfix before gear hunting again.. #friendlyadvice
  6. Fantomblu

    gear is vanishing in

    Posted this on the thread rocket made. I'm hoping he sees it. I'd chime in on that thread to get this issue recognized! http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15696&pid=143830#pid143830
  7. Fantomblu

    You know your addicted when......

    I was at a gas station the other day and while getting in the car I saw a large warehouse looking building (like the one just south of the Stary Sobor tents) that looked exactly like it. Caught myself doing a double take..
  8. Fantomblu

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I wanted to bring up this issue, i also haven't had time to read through the bug reports/tons of forums pages, so hopefully this isn't repeated: Myself (happened 4 times on 3 different servers) and my clan mates are finding that when we spawn in, our primary and secondary weapons are gone, replaced by a Makarov with 2 clips. The 1st time it happened, I had a Lee and a revolver, 2nd time a AK-74 and 1911, 3rd time I have a Winny/Revolver and 4th time a AK-74 Kobra/G17. Hope this bug is squashed soon! Thanks again Rocket and GJ with the mod!
  9. Fantomblu

    A possible safe zone?

    I do like the idea of having some type of npc city/camp for trading, meeting up etc.. The only way I can think of to eliminate spawn camping safe areas would be to have a instance based type deal. For example maybe we find radios that can heliport (warp) us to this "camp". Or perhaps a dock area that ferries us to a "safe island". Once we are done with said camp and are ready to leave, the heli or ferry "teleports" us back to a random spawn area (like when we freshly spawn as n00bs).
  10. Fantomblu

    Waiting for Server Response SONG - Quite hilarious

    gotta admit..I lol'd
  11. Fantomblu

    How we lost a truck full of stuff

    Funny, I stole a Blue truck like that on NY8 that had like 6 car wheels, fueltank parts and other various items in it. On the SW side of the map. (They found our little camp and took it back the next day though lol) Pretty sure it was that clan you guys were killing. Good video though!
  12. Posted by a buddy of mine, good times that night! (I still think my nade got him..)
  13. Fantomblu

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I posted this on another thread, so I'll repost it here in hopes you see it Rocket.. I can confirm that loot is indeed bugged/nerfed horribly. I did a test @ the supermarket/redbrick house and 2 wood cabins (the one with the dining room) in Polana. I checked a total of 10 servers running I found NO food. 1 can of soda. About 4 guns and ammo. 2 backpacks, and trash items galore (tin cans/steel bolts).
  14. I can confirm that loot is indeed bugged/nerfed horribly. I did a test @ the supermarket/redbrick house and 2 wood cabins (the one with the dining room) in Polana. I checked a total of 10 servers running 1.7.1. I found NO food. 1 can of soda. About 4 guns and ammo. 2 backpacks, and trash items galore (tin cans/steel bolts). I can understand Rocket wanting to nerf loot rates, but this is a bit overboard. Otherwise, love the changes thus far!