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Everything posted by Hirogens

  1. Hirogens

    Help me...

    Hi all, Can you help me. I'm the Admin server of "FR 163", and I have a big problem, I have installed the new version and the Build 85883/5 or 90061/3 and now I have an error with Battleye. I have try to install the 2 news DLL. and allways the same error. "kicked off by BattlEye: Client not responding"... If you have somes ideas. B.Regards Hirogens
  2. Hirogens

    Help me...

    yes, I can connect to your server, DayZ - FR 129... My client work perfectly. But the server allways "kicked off by BattlEye: Client not responding"... response...
  3. Hi, we have Ask for registring a new server since somes days, no news. somebody know the delay maximum ? B.Regards