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Everything posted by AGlumSon

  1. Infest the community? You are hopefully not suggesting something like releasing a virus that will cause a zombie apocalypse! Four weeks of playing, no hacker encounter thus far...
  2. Man! That is not only the solution to shitty games, but the solution to everything shitty in life: it is not broken "it is in Alpha"! Seriously though, I'd rather play a finished game, but it is understandable they are releasing it in Alpha stage. It has been succesful as an Alpha mod so a good deal of hardcore players won't mind the alpha build, plus DayZ is popular now. If they wait a year (or more) to bring a finished product a good deal of those who consider themselves hardcore players now will have moved on (not to WarZ hopefully).
  3. AGlumSon


    Cliché threads, deserve cliché responses, man...
  4. AGlumSon

    Tricking a noob in DayZ

    Staged... same guy as in http://dayzmod.com/f...313#entry620313 Wouldn't surprise me if truck was also hacked in! Tsk... No beans for you!
  5. AGlumSon

    Grenade Launcher kill.

    Well... it might have been a bit more impressive if it wasn't staged... or are you just hunting poor The End "noob" all around the map to make him die in silly ways? http://dayzmod.com/f...a-noob-in-dayz/ No beans for you, you trickster!
  6. AGlumSon

    Kills/time in game ratio?

    I guess you mean zed kills, unless you are some sort of Chuck Norris. The first DayZ survival guide I read told me to "not shoot any zeds unless one absofuckinglutely has to" I still try to live by this rule (and improve my gear, so not only hanging in the woods like a hermit), so I take pride in killing as few zeds as possible since there is no added value, unless I have aggroed them or want to help out some other survivors. Have been living for some 15plus days at the moment with a zed kill count of 70-something.
  7. AGlumSon

    Need some help im newish xD

    All right, whatever you do, don't go just rummaging around in Cherno because some evil bandit (beans to you, sir) tells you to... There are better ways to throw your life away. Can't get online now (I might PM you later), but here's my advice. I guess you already know of the loot map, if not google "map Dayz" and you'll find it. DayZ has kind of a steep learning curve so I think the majority of the people feel there is no shame in using it as a newbie. Best place to get a starting gear is travelling between barns and deer stands. If you are on a low population server you might even try the more dangerous spots such as the castles or supermarkets (travel close but not through open fields, always checking for chopper crashes that have lots of zombies but the best gear in game).Until you're less green don't go to the dangerous places like the airfields and the cities unless you care more about high-end gear than your life.
  8. AGlumSon

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Standalone! Yeah! You'll get my beans now and my money later!
  9. AGlumSon

    Fort Friendly 2.0 - Social Experiment

    Fully agree. Except where you quote Indiana Jones, it is: "you chose poorly" :P
  10. Dude! No! That's the Youtube Zombie fairy!
  11. AGlumSon

    so i heard gunshoots

    Just shouting "friendly, friendly, friendly" is definitely no insurance that you won't get shot. Even those who don't SoS (shoot on sight) will probably shoot you later. If it was a normal gunfight (so not a hacker), next time try to sneak away (or join in if you like and shoot some bandits) instead of quitting. It will really spoil your and everybody else's fun if you take the coward's way out all the time (believe me dying isn't that bad, it is kind of a good thing, actually: stops you from getting bored). Good luck!
  12. AGlumSon

    The Regulators are looking for good people

    All right, I just signed up! Hope to do some good out there in the ex-soviet wastes!
  13. But... but... if people stop QQing where am I supposed to get my salt from?
  14. Ow, man, OP! Are you pinned to the wall right now! Public shaming, the oldest type of justice!
  15. AGlumSon

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    With all the bandits around, I wonder: what is the average humanity? I know that humanity was dropped, but Rocket said it was still there in the background, so it should be possible right?
  16. AGlumSon

    Can't Play - Afraid of Hackers

    OP, count your blessings! I can't play because I am scared of zombies!
  17. AGlumSon

    Hackers - What you need to know.

    Thanks! Good read and gives me hope for the future.
  18. I heard that if you go to Green Mountain in the deep of night sometimes the magical YouTube zombie fairy will appear and show you the video. If you kill her there is a 0.28% chance of her dropping a Magical Makarov of Chopper Slaying!
  19. Ooph.. I went there and looked at the screenshots, I had to puke a little bit... WarZ does not get my beans until I played the demo...
  20. AGlumSon

    DayZ Police Force

    I am all for tracking down and shooting griefers (BTW I like the idea of the regulators, I might join you), but I always wonder when people start talking about "the law" here on the forums. As far as I am concerned there is no law in DayZ. Perhaps it will be impossible to implement a "police force" in terms of game mechanics, but I'll bet you it'd be even harder to come to a consensus on something that one should or shouldn't do.
  21. AGlumSon

    Teleported to the moon

    Damn! Probably they didn't have the courtesy to hack you a parachute...
  22. AGlumSon


    I just talked to a couple of zeds. They say they want better wages, health insurance and paid holidays. If their demands are not met by patch 1.7.5, they'll go on strike.
  23. It is true! I too have seen the effects of Karma! Until patch 1.5.8 was done and then I never saw it again, though.
  24. AGlumSon

    Any greek bandits out there?

    First of all, I think it is pretty brave starting a thread these days that has "Greek" and "Bandit" in the title. I, Sir, I tip my hat to you and all the Greeks. For all the things you did for us. I mean even if you were the laziest people on the face of the earth at this very moment, you did plenty of work in Classical Antiquity, thinking up things like democracy and philosophy when the rest of us were still crawled up in the mudheaps that we called Bronze Age villages.