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Everything posted by AGlumSon

  1. AGlumSon

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Stay awhile and listen. It was back in 1.7.0. I was still green as grass, didn’t have a clue how navigation in the game worked, and did not have any irl friends that were playing DayZ or in game friendlies to explain it to me. The only thing I knew I learned from a couple of bandits who shot me on my second life: “A noob like you shouldn’t be hanging around on the coast, you should head up north.” “Yeah right, they just want the loot to themselves”, I thought to myself, but when I got shot in the ass a third time when trying to be friendly with an unfriendly bunch, I decided I’d head up north and see how long I would survive up there. As I said, I didn’t know anything yet, so I didn’t know that up north meant not much more north than the airfields, so what I ended up doing was just going north until I couldn’t go any further. So I passed Pobeda dam and kept on going. You’ll all probably tell me that north of Pobeda there is nothing to do but perhaps loot a few (hacked) tent cities. I’ll tell you I didn’t see much tent cities on my travels there, but you’re missing out if you haven’t been there. Some of the weirdest stuff happens up north. Boy, do I have some stories to share from roaming the northern wilds. My first encounter was with a group of survivors. Not the regular "We'll SoS, but we're not bandits"-type, I tell you, but the NPC kind. We’ve all seen the stories of priests wandering around in the forest or of the infamous “Mysterious Stranger”, but up north there are still some living people holding out. I just rounded a hill, looking for some game to kill when I could see some tents and people way off in the distance on another hill. Not the tents that are set-up by survivors but regular life-sized army tents with a red cross on them. First I thought that this were probably some of these infamous hackers I’d been hearing about, but then I thought it might be one of these medic teams that is running around Chernarus patching people up for free. So, I decided to check it out. When I came close I could see that it was just this mass of civilians and military that was just gathered inside and in front of this army encampment/field hospital. When I came close: one of the NPC guards chatted to me: “Halt! No infected here, show me if you’re wounded.” Not knowing what to do exactly, I just stepped closer and he kept repeating himself. At some point he even raised his gun, that’s when I decided I wasn’t going to get shot by an NPC, nor shoot up the last place where there were still some NPC's surviving and left the refugee camp alone. That’s not the only story that I took back from my trip up north where the wild things are, but it is definitely the most peaceful and least eerie of my encounters. No, if you want creepy, then I've got something for y'all. At some point I was roaming around in a forest smothered in this dense mist, when I saw… but I’ll save the story of that harrowing experience for another time.
  2. AGlumSon

    Green mountain...

    Green mountain is the place of awesome eldritch power that inspired Lovecraft to write this short story: http://www.dagonbytes.com/thelibrary/lovecraft/mountainsofmaddness.htm
  3. Cheer up, Spidey! There is no use QQing over spilled beans!
  4. Well... I have been playing the game for a little over a week now and have already done some pretty stupid stuff. Some of it so spectacularly stupid that I didn't think myself capable of it before I started DayZ. Starting from Gorka I got lost in the Black Forest, only to arrive on the other side of Gorka half an hour later.... After spawning close to Rog castle, I went there straight away, found some good starting gear, only to fall off the stairs and break my leg... Being badly hurt already, I literally run into my first helicopter crash, only to find that there are zeds spawning as well... But my newest stupidity I just need to share with all of you survivors out there... I had just completed my first grand tour of Chernarus. I had a lucky break with an l85ar aws drop in my second copter crash and I was able to see and loot all the major sites. I already had some run ins with bandits and survivors that probably did not see me as they walked or ran past me. A group of survivors had been running for their lives from some zeds and I even downed a couple of them (zeds, not survivors, of course). So I was feeling pretty heroic when I finally ended up roughly where I started in a deer hut somewhere off the coast. After rummaging around in the gear that had dropped there, I look up to find that I was pointing at another player called "Animal" 190 meters away (I hadn't even realized that I was on a "recruit" server till then). I tensed because the other player wasn't coming any closer and had probably already spotted me. I also knew I couldn't send him or her a direct message over that distance. I looked through my thermal sights and couldn't spot him or her, I figured he or she was probably behind some bushes or trees. I didn't want to get shot in the gut while I was descending the ladder of the deer hut, so I decided to stay put. "Animal" had been moving around a bit, but not in such a way that I could get him or her in my sights, so I adjusted my zeroing and waited. And waited... and waited... A tense 5 minutes later I finally caught a glimpse of my nemesis. It was small, hopped around and had two big ears. The "player Animal" that had given me such a scare was a rabbit... I spared the critters life, lolled a bit and logged off. Too ashamed to play any further tonight..
  5. AGlumSon

    DayZ Stories

    Well... I have been playing the game for a little over a week now and have already done some pretty stupid stuff. Some of it so spectacularly stupid that I didn't think myself capable of it before I started DayZ. Starting from Gorka I got lost in the Black Forest, only to arrive on the other side of Gorka half an hour later.... After spawning close to Rog castle, I went there straight away, found some good starting gear, only to fall off the stairs and break my leg... Being badly hurt already, I literally run into my first helicopter crash, only to find that there are zeds spawning as well... But my newest stupidity I just need to share with all of you survivors out there... I had just completed my first grand tour of Chernarus. I had a lucky break with an l85ar aws drop in my second copter crash and I was able to see and loot all the major sites. I already had some run ins with bandits and survivors that probably did not see me as they walked or ran past me. A group of survivors had been running for their lives from some zeds and I even downed a couple of them (zeds, not survivors, of course). So I was feeling pretty heroic when I finally ended up roughly where I started in a deer hut somewhere off the coast. After rummaging around in the gear that had dropped there, I look up to find that I was pointing at another player called "Animal" 190 meters away (I hadn't even realized that I was on a "recruit" server till then). I tensed because the other player wasn't coming any closer and had probably already spotted me. I also knew I couldn't send him or her a direct message over that distance. I looked through my thermal sights and couldn't spot him or her, I figured he or she was probably behind some bushes or trees. I didn't want to get shot in the gut while I was descending the ladder of the deer hut, so I decided to stay put. "Animal" had been moving around a bit, but not in such a way that I could get him or her in my sights, so I adjusted my zeroing and waited. And waited... and waited... A tense 5 minutes later I finally caught a glimpse of my nemesis. It was small, hopped around and had two big ears. The "player Animal" that had given me such a scare was a rabbit... I spared the critters life, lolled a bit and logged off. Too ashamed to play any further tonight..
  6. Ook ik heb je ge-pmed, Loki!
  7. AGlumSon

    Spectacularly stupid!

    I thought that a story of my stupidity should be accompanied by some stupid lay-outing... but for those of you that want it with paragraphs, I edited it. Now promise you will read it!