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About bjoernhart

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. bjoernhart

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    New Features for Standalone Started by rocket, 22 Aug 2012 standalone Looks like he is here...
  2. bjoernhart

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Most of us are aware of the fact that this mod is in alpha stage. i dont complain about bugs... but what drives the most of us (me included) mad is that NO ONE of the whole forum team says something about the actual status. no communication as one of us said, beeing left in the dark isn't good. thats the worst point for me.
  3. bjoernhart

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Could it be that the graphical glitches are based on the brand of your graphiccard? all my friends with a NVIDIA card encounter no problems, but with ATI/AMD cards like i have one, there are glitches?!?!