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About Butteredtoast

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  1. Butteredtoast

    WTF a Police Car??

    sucks to FINALLY get a car and it wasn't even legit.
  2. Butteredtoast

    WTF a Police Car??

    Just like that the car was blown up the hacker is no where in sight. Sucks though we had a car and it was a hackers :/
  3. Butteredtoast

    WTF a Police Car??

    LOL well we are driving it and all the sudden BOOM a like huge blast behind us. The hacker is obviously invincible we can't see him but he is following us all over trying to blow us up. Still fun!
  4. Butteredtoast

    WTF a Police Car??

    My friend and I were in Cherno. We heard a car honking so we ran to it to jack it. The guy got out in full military body armor I shot him 4 times point blank with a Lee Enfield and my friend put 2 ak clips in him. The guy had a radio and a golden gun and this brand spankin new police car. We stole the car and are driving it now. Is this a hacked vehicle? Will be get introuble for using it? We did take it fair and square.
  5. It is definetly broken. I can't walk it forces me to the ground. Hopefully I die of thirst soon my water jug is flashing red now. Anyone know how much longer I might have to live?
  6. Respawn in greyed out I can't do that :(
  7. Yea I havent been using supplies. I started yesterday and had to log out to get the name of the area i am in Grovksy pass. North east part of the map wayyyyy further than the coast I play at. How long does it take to starve? I have been crawling for over an hour looking for a road or a ledge or anything to find some way to kill myself....This really sucks.
  8. Well that sucks, he definetly has ruined my experience. Friggin kinda cruel if you ask me. Well if anyones got a way to Grovksy pass I am in the woods crawling come hunt and kill me please I would appriciate it.
  9. I still need help Devs please come kill me or respawn me :(
  10. If any Dev see's this can you please come into US 362 and kill me please. This is ridiculous that this has happend. For some admin on another server to just port everyone out here and leave us screwed. My name is Buttered Toast in the game.
  11. Yea that is not happening I am in Grovozny pass wayyyy at the top of the map I just looked and found out UGH. This really sucks. Why doesn't the respawn button work this is clearly an instance where it should. I want to know why we all were ported up there on that server when I am a noob and still exploring the coast line...
  12. Hello my friend and I bought this game yesterday we played for like 12 plus hours and started playing more today. Well we joined a server and all the sudden everyone was teleported. Next thing you know we are grouped up and people were like wtf is going on etc. Well all of our legs were broken. So we are in the woods way far from the coast I was at when I was playing and got teleported. My friend and I logged out of the game. We went to a new server US 362 and both were in the woods with broken legs. We had to idea to cut eachother with my axe so made him bleed through it on the ground so he could pick it up and cut me but apparently it disappeared. So he died and I am stuck up there no way to do anything or kill myself. What do I do? I am rolling around up here in some direction I don't know which way I am going hoping I find something to kill me with. If any dev sees this please kill my toon? I made a new profile but it made me have the same character. Anyone know what to do? Is there a suicide command? We are bummed out this is definetly leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Thanks for the help!