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Everything posted by eggbeast

  1. eggbeast


    5th night in a row of extensive hacking on UK 131. we've shut it down AGAIN. really not happy now, so we're thinking seriously of jacking it in. Can anyone at DayZ comment on hacking and what they might aim to do about it? allowing deathmessages=1 in the cfg (which dayZ disables) would be a basic start to this because we could deal with the hackers who are teleporting in and shooting players. not sure it would help with thunderdome (which happened to us tonight for the first time). it is near to the end for us
  2. july 25th we had an A10 in the server bombing and shooting players also a british guy chasing us after teleporting (even chasing us down after respawning once killed by him) - he had DMR/ghillie and was taunting in direct chat another hackers been on spawnkilling us called Bonif4ciy who has his own youtube vids of him hacking http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlIiyp8hKvg me and my buddy were in a truck that blew up on its own after hearing a leg breaking sound i was patching up make76 when --- i got turned into a cow by some mage hacker some guy called concz apparently killed me, then my body ran off as i was turned into a cow, it turned and shot me with my own pistol i found my body 100m away once i auto-respawned as another cow make healed me and i disconnected and came back in my original body, no death or loss of kit despite the death message etc all fun and games on our server - NOT! we seriously need deathmessages ON or this mod is over. cheers Egg www.gitsclan.co.uk
  3. i kinda want to be a cow again it was fun maybe i'll put it in the suggestions forum funny thing was - for hours after all my clan mates were reporting animals looking at them funny "is that chicken following us?" "two cows spotted, seem to be walking in formation!" "I'm not pitching my tent yet there's a goat on the other side of the valley who may be a hacker" lmao
  4. that barbed wire LOD shadow thing needs fixing - it's like the GMG on the UKF jackal in arma2 - you could see it coming from miles away with a giant batwing of doom floating above it tip: never place barbed wire by your camps!
  5. it's not the pb/BE really. nor is it the "limits" of the engine or code. DayZ disabled this in the server.cfg config deathmessages =1; this would tell us who shot who and would be enough to deal with hackers who use guns to kill *like the epidemic of ESP aimbotters on every UK and US server in the past 3 days.
  6. it is an epidemic and the dayZ guys are not seeming to provide any kind of comment on what they plan to do - this may of course be because to tell us anything will give info to the next generation hacks... meanwhile a game that has attracted millions to arma2 is worse than useless. all that needs to be done is to allow deathmessages =1 for the rpt file or for the logged in server admin! such a small change that would allow us to ban the right person. we are seeing some friendlies being "donated" (unwillingly) gold pistols and ak's so there is obviously an attempt to brand another innocent player as the hacker too lol. the hackers last night on our UK 131 had ESP/one shot 25000 damage through walls and scenery. we could do nothing against them - even though 6 of us were in the vicinity with ghillies, and as50's - they killed us all! such a simple thing to fix! we've been running gameservers on call of duty and battlefield series since 2006 and we manage our own bans/kicks with reasons given and a process for having a 30 day ban explained etc this is de rigeur for gaming clans, so why prohibit us from seeing who is hacking? we enjoy the challenge of farming kit and building our secret camps etc and would not seek to abuse this. if people felt abused on one of our bf3 of COD servers (say if they were kicked for repeated blocking or teamkilling, etc) they can moan on our forum and we will explain why this happened. then they come back saying its their little brother etc. so we temp ban them for maybe 30 days. this stops a lot of bad habits. it also allows forgiveness. however running a hack is a lifetime ip ban. we the community can manage this so come on Rocket give us the deathmessage for admins! am playing Evo today on GITS (filter GITS) running CLAfghan if anyone fancies a decent game of something playable... cheers
  7. yeah play warfare with hotshots or evolution with GITS or something else lol - we are all relaxed again now we're not on dayZ
  8. same for uk 131 - our server we have taken down again tonight in disgust - hackers in every night doing what you filmed there
  9. It is VITAL to put in kill reporting to the cfg options for DayZ. deathMessages=1; Without this we cannot administer the server properly - we have hackers in every night killing players with teleports, A10s, aimbots and wallhacks. 3 nights in a row now we have all been killed by hackers shooting us through walls and hills using silent, single kills with 25000 damage. They can teleport right onto us and see us through any scenery even when we're prone and still in ghillie suits trying to see how our buddy just died... The rules say we cannot lock the server, so PLEASE allow obituaries in the next update. Otherwise we cannnot play this fantastic, addictive and thoroughly (otherwise) enjoyable mod cheers GITS Eggbeast
  10. eggbeast

    Request: Obituary "deathMessages=1"

    at the moment we're having to write down every GUID when the hacking starts so we can cross-compare them...