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About n4tive

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  1. Finally, someone with common sense... Thats why I think the concept of survival in this 'anti-game' is flawed at best. Again, and I insist, If the 'anti-game' was like the movie The Road the current 'shoot first' behaviour would be acceptable even encouraged. But that's not the case. I feel that the zombie apocalypse doesn't really fit at this type scenario. That is a valid point. I keep thinking of this game like the book (because it was a book first) The Road, but it really isn't. It is The Road + Left 4 Dead, and in Left 4 Dead people must WORK TOGETHER. In any event I feel the whole "anti game" philosphy will not be a winning one, or one that results in something that people will keep playing. You cannot design a game to have intentionally broken elements and still expect people to play it. Now I'm not talking about high damage or having to eat and drink or losing everything when you die; I am fine with a high level of complexity and unforgiving game mechanics. However, I am not fine with a game like this that only provides one type of interpersonal encounter (that is, a violent one). If I want to play a game where people shoot other people on sight I will go play a game with a real Deathmatch mode; I want to play Day Z because it can (or could before the patch) simultaneously provide the potential for teamwork OR violent confrontation. Right now it is HEAVILY leaning toward the latter, which makes it rather boring and repetitive. I want danger from other players, but I don't want it all the time. That gets boring. Agreed. IMHO Dayz is all about the human threat which is (at a certain point) predictable. It would be ideal to have a higher level of unpredictability, zombies play minor role here which makes the whole zombie concept rather... I don't know, unnecessary?. I see it this way: Imagine small band of survivors attempting to clear out a farm (only a few zombies wandering about) after successfully clearing it, they decide to get it the farm house, close the doors and call it a night. Next morning after logging in, they find themselves surrounded by a horde of zombies (maybe they made too much noise?) this puts them in a situation they did not think about, and must do (think) something before they run out of supplies... That would be so awesome.
  2. Finally, someone with common sense... Thats why I think the concept of survival in this 'anti-game' is flawed at best. Again, and I insist, If the 'anti-game' was like the movie The Road the current 'shoot first' behaviour would be acceptable even encouraged. But that's not the case. I feel that the zombie apocalypse doesn't really fit at this type scenario.
  3. n4tive

    This is why rocket is my hero

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion whether you like it or not. If people like to whine, let them whine, if people like to complain, let them complain, how is OP any better than forum whiners? I mean its certaintly your opinion that rocket is your hero is it not? this entire thread in itself is big pile of opnions (including mine as well). Ugh!... I just hate when people just put down everyone elses opinion just because they didn't like it. Their opinion is just as valid as yours.
  4. Some features in this game just don't have any logical sense at all (from both gameplay and real-life perspectives) I can understand being prepared at all times, I mean that parts of being a survivor/survivalist (I know quite a bit about survival, no phun intended) but going hungry, sick, cold, etc. while offline I do not understand. Specially with resources being limited, this puts the players at a overwhelming odds (plus most players do no have control over their time spent playing). Man... sometimes I ask myself if the designer of this game (rocket) is a freaking physcho lol. I know that the 'game' was designed to be an 'anti-game' (if its not a game, then what is it? simulator?) I know its supposed to be dark and brutal (I could understand 'brutal' in a The Road Movie-type-scenario) but I find the survival concept a bit flawed imho.
  5. n4tive

    Wish List

    I want melee weapons in addition to all that has been suggested up to this page.
  6. n4tive

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    So... from what I understand (by reading a large number of replies) one of the most viable and effective ways of surviving is by simply erradicating every possible threat. That would mean killing just about everyone with or without any reason. Thats interesting. Its seems to me that DayZ is much less about the zombie threat and more about the human threat. Hmm... that leads me to believe that the survival 'element' is based almost exclusively on 'how long are you able to stay alive without getting shot, or robbed and then shot' thats all there is to it. Also, it really worries me that some posters actually BELIEVE that killing every breathing living thing is an effective way of surviving in a real life scenario. Thats not a survivor, thats being a mass murder (aaand making the zeds job easier). The more I think about this game the more it reminds me of the movie The Road... minus the zombies. "A man (Viggo Mortensen) and his young son (Kodi Smit-McPhee) struggle to survive after an unspecified cataclysm (n4tive: in this case zombie apocalypse) is destroying much of life around them, creating a bleak world with the people left reduced to scavenging and even cannibalism (n4tive: people killed for a can of chef boyardee) They search for supplies as they travel south on a road to the coast, in the hope it will be warmer...." Now a game based on that concept would be awesome as well. That would justify PvP in every possible way as it would focus almost entirely on killing each other in order to survive, and as a result, to get that delicious can of cold chef boyardee (choose your type: spagetti and meatballs, beef ravioli, beefaroni, or lasagna).
  7. New player looking for mature (friendly) and organized survivor group. Surviving alone in the zombie apocalypse does have its benefits but a well organized and knowledgeable group increases the chance of survival (as well a better chance to fend off bandits). I know quite a bit about survival, specially in a zombie scenario (Max Brooks ftw) so if any survivor group is looking for a good, loyal, team oriented thirty-something, I'm the guy for you. Look forward to hear from any of you. n4tive P.S. Oh, and enlgish is not my native language but I do speak it fluently though.
  8. If you guys still accepting survivors I'd join... if you guys don't mind my accent xD