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Shiny (DayZ)

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About Shiny (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Shiny (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    A story i wrote about one of my nights of playing dayz So here we were... On the outskirts of Berezino My friend Merijn on the lookout with his binocs and me with a DMR sniper "Looks clear" he said "If you move out and get to the pub in the center and then on to the hospital I'll cover you with my DMR" i replied I guided him through a dozen Zeds and he went in the pub eventually Spotted him through the first floor windows when he suddenly heard footsteps on the stairs "I can hear a zombie inside" he said with a panic in his voice "I didn't see anyone enter, are you sure theres somebody inside ?" i said I swap out my DMR for a l58 with thermal vision I see someone moving up the stairs Somebody else is inside ! "Merijn !" i shouted "Someone is inside you have to move i cant see him !" "Merijn ?" He is dead How could this happen, i was covering the front the entire time Hours passed and i still didn't see the bandit move out Just as i was planning to move south to meet up with my friend i saw movement The bandit ran out of the pub attracting zeds from over the square I took defensive positions and watched his every move from the tree line 650m away Waiting for him to lose the zeds and stand still so i could take a clear shot I measured the distance and wind speed and aimed 4 dots above him and the zeds chasing him He ran back in the pub and shot all of them in a quick burst with his Automatic Rifle When he was done he went over to the hospital I moved to my left to watch the back alley of the hospital There he was, The killer, The one who was going to die, My enemy He suddenly stopped and bend over to refill his canteen This is it ! I took aim and fired a shot It took about 2 seconds before it landed in his heart He fell over and died immediately Revenge... I decided not to loot the body and continue south On the south side of the forest there was a factory I scanned the horizon with my thermal vision "No one there" i thought I moved in to check the factory when i noticed something off I thought my mind was playing tricks on me Never did i see a beauty like this There was a fucking chopper on the roof of the factory ! I checked the map and noticed this was a weird spot for a chopper and thought that it would belong to a gang of bandits I was on full alert by now Moved along the tree line some more and found a sniper tower Quickly i jump on top of it and scan the horizon again I noticed a bright orange silhouette on the horizon A sniper with a DMR scanning for anyone to steal his chopper Since i noticed him with my thermal and it was dark by now i figured he didn't spot me yet Quickly i bolt down and crouch across the tree line "He still didn't spot me" The darkness concealed my movement in the trees I moved to a better sniping position on top of a rock and aimed my DMR Measured the wind and distance of a nearby zed 500 meters, 1.9 dots I aimed at him Aldo he was lying there waiting for someone to loot his chopper he must have felt me watching him The player suddenly stood up and walked along the tree line towards me I squeezed the trigger The bullet hit him in the head and his body bulldozed into the ground "Kill" i said My shot attracted a few zeds and i quickly finished them off with my m9 silenced pistol Looted the body for the few extra DMR mags and finally went in the chopper Flew off to Topolka Dam where i picked up my friend Then proceeded north towards the horizon to meet up with my squad over in Grishino
  2. Shiny (DayZ)

    LF dutch players to play with /mic

    skype : neukkop