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Everything posted by GPV

  1. I've been playing DayZ for less than a week... The first day was rough but running to a farm for a hatchet/winchester/enfield fixes all your problems. aka get good
  2. GPV

    I'm not actually Daffy Duck

    I usually just toss a smoke or flare or something and run past it and turn and shoot as many as i can before reloading. with akm i usually can handle any horde of 20~ or maybe more but will take more than a clip
  3. this. i want every house to be enterable if possible.
  4. GPV

    Survivor Looking for Group

    I live in Alabama so if you're east coast our times are good. Got skype?
  5. If someone walks up behind you in the dark and says "Don't move, are you friendly? I don't want to have to shoot you." The correct course of action is to NOT TURN AROUND AND START SHOOTING. Regards, ~Someone who now has a murder. Seriously though, are there any players who don't PK on sight any more? It's almost useless trying to find people to play with without using forums etc. EDIT: Actually, I checked, and I got a bandit kill instead. So I guess they weren't innocent XD
  6. GPV

    ATTN: Survival Memo

    It's true... I mean, I didn't need any of his gear (why would I swap my fal or akm for his m16?), but why would he even try to turn and shoot me when I obviously had him dead? People don't even want to live, I think.