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About Northeast

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  1. Northeast

    Convince me to buy the game.

    Ah, when you cannot make a good argument with logic and facts, then resort to name calling and 'shoot the messenger'. At least you finally had the decendency, through my provocation, to amend your original statements by conceding that you must find a private server. To the OP, here's the truth: In the public realm, the DayZ mod is a hackers' and griefers' paradise. Adolescents rule this game and BI and Battleye are impotent. My own experience? Last weekend, I was part of a server wipe, being thrown up in the air and falling to my death with everyone else online. All too common in DayZ. Zombies are a trifling annoyance; dying to hackers and griefers is the true DayZ experience now.
  2. Northeast

    Convince me to buy the game.

    When you and the entire server population is thrown into the air and you all fall to your death, you will regret your $30 purchase. I can only conclude that "fun" in this post above means designing and running new hacks to run on the fools that buy the DayZ mod.
  3. Northeast

    Convince me to buy the game.

    Cannot recommend. This game is a hacker's paradise. Hackers rule and BI and Battleye are either unwilling or unable to stop it. Wait for upcoming games: WarZ, Dayz - Standalone, ZombiU.
  4. This game is a hacker's paradise. Hackers rule and BI and Battleye are either unwilling or unable to stop it. Wait for upcoming games: WarZ, Dayz - Standalone, ZombiU.
  5. Logged in after long absence to see improvemens in DayZ and hacking. After 15 minutes of play, the entire server population was thrown high into the air and we all died on impact. Entire server wipe. After all this time, it's hard to believe anyone - the mod developer, the Battleye folks, or BI - is taking hacking seriously. A whole lot of good will is being flushed down the toilet - does anyone care?
  6. Sent my 'appeal' to battleye. This sucks. Any suggestions?
  7. Northeast

    Military Spawns are Absurd

    I just consider myself to be so very lucky to be near so many military installations when the zombie apoc broke out - I'm not going to complain about what guns a soldier dropped as he was being eaten alive. Had I been at home, I would be fighting zombies with a shovel.
  8. End game? I'm waiting for the Mists of DayZ expansion where I can quest for a full-body panda suit, wear it, and then perform kung-fu on confused zombies. If it works for Blizzard's WoW, let's get it in DayZ.
  9. I was in a gray utility building - the one with 2 rooms total where 1 room has 1 door, the other room has 2 doors - and while prone I opened a door. I now have a broken leg, about 20% health loss, I started bleeding out, and I went into shock. My 'suggestion' is to review this mechanic. I've read that the design & development team prides themselves on realism, but there's no world - even a fictional one with zombies - where I open a door and do damage equal to a head-on, high-speed vehicle collision. Thanks for reading.
  10. Northeast

    This game is great

    Thanks for sharing. As you play more, you will become quite skilled at losing zombies by breaking line of sight (los) and entering buildings (where their speed slows down dramatically). You will learn & remember which buildings can be entered, simply by sight. You will also learn the landscape and will have little trouble navigating the south coast and the big, starter cities. You will use lighthouses, railroad tracks, and power lines to help with orientation. Oh, and look closely at the lower-right hand corner text when you first enter the world, it will give you your location. Some small advice: Learn how to melee with a hatchet. Learn where to find animals for raw meat. 2 essentials skills. Have fun.
  11. Northeast

    Start Gear - Weapon Missing

    Hatchets are a fun weapon. Sneak up behind a zombie. One swing. Zombie down. Silent and deadly. When I re-spawn, my first priority is a hatchet. Once in hand, I get to a big city and quickly start hitting the high yield points - if a zombie sees me, I back into a corner, crouch and wait, and then swing, and zombie down. In no time at all, I pretty well loaded with essential gear and off to remote, open fields to hunt animals. Have fun.
  12. Northeast

    kudos to the mod team, adventure has been had

    To the OP: I enjoyed reading about your adventures, thus far. Thank you for sharing. I've really enjoyed the challenges this game puts forth and it's exciting to think that this game will only improve in terms of features, stability, and the fight against hackers. For years I've watched movies about zombie apoc survivors and I'm always amused at the stupid things they do. I usually find myself thinking I could do so much better. Well, lol, I have only made it to Day 4. Getting better and more experienced with each adventure though...
  13. Logged in to, I think, one of the spawn points rather than where I had logged out. Timing coincides with new patch. Retained all my gear and stats, so no big deal.
  14. Great guide! Thank you for sharing. 2 suggestions: (1) Drop your existing backpack before putting on your ghillie (may be true for camo), as the empty, 8-slot backpack that comes with the ghillie will destroy your existing backpack and everything in it otherwise. Then drop the backpack that comes with the ghillie and re-equip your original pack. (2) Many, if not all, weapons had changes to damage and audible range - is your guide reflecting those changes? The Lee E rifle, for example, no longer does 12K damage. Thanks again, very good stuff.
  15. Northeast

    HAX EVERYWHERE! Officially unplayable

    To the OP: I have played around 50 - 75 hours, across probably 15 - 20 servers, and I have never seen or been impacted by a hack. I keep expecting to be, given some of the posts I read where hacking, it seems, is done by nearly everyone, on nearly every server, nearly all hours of the day, for months and months now. I can't reconcile what I've experienced (0% hacking) to what you have experienced (100% hacking). It is just weird. I don't doubt you - I just wish I knew what you and I do differently to give you some help.