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Everything posted by FireWalker

  1. oh my. I don't think you are going to find that. You're still asking for something that doesn't make sense. Why would honest players run a server without cheat protection? In hindsight, I guess you're hoping to find a band of legitimate, honest players that have all been wrongfully banned for cheating, that have come together in a common server to play the game, and can't use anti-cheat, but must password the server against hackers... I think there was a movie made around similar circumstances. Good luck. Buy a lotto ticket while you're at it.
  2. You are a fool. It doesn't make any sense. If you don't cheat and you want to play in a server that condones cheating (that's what it would be), you will literally get your ass handed to you over and over because that particular server is going to be full of cheaters; think about it; you will never have tents, vehicles will always disappear, you will be washed out to sea over and over, and they will spawn on you and kill you dead... over and over. I can not see the fun in that. The only possible way to play on a server like that is to be a cheater in order to even the playing field. Brings us back full circle.
  3. FireWalker

    SVD Camo for trade

    "and hes not my friend anymore." You got no friends.
  4. FireWalker

    Camp sites - (Pictures)

    How many "sandbag" items did that take? Wow
  5. Curious myself. I found an ammo box at a heli crash site. It was the only time I've seen what I believed to be a legitimate ammo box. Everything else at the crash site seemed legit. Was it not? I digress, off on a tangent.
  6. Get it. You will have a better understanding of the difficulties of an Alpha Mod, and have greater appreciation of the final product... we hope.
  7. FireWalker

    NoobMin needs help

    I'm sorry that I couldn't be more help. I have three servers and have never seen that. But, when you do find out what is causing the problem, it would probably help the community if you posted back exactly what was wrong. Good luck. When I get home I'll PM you and try to login to your server and see what it says on my end; if you want.
  8. FireWalker

    NoobMin needs help

    You need to tell them exactly what you told us. I assume that you updated all your game files on the server...
  9. Can anyone explain if this log is a map hack or not? 28.09.2012 07:29:12: XX XXX (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) 58072e66d4b1b58b2b816fd0ec149287 - #119 "e setvariable ['BIS_RscMiniMap',_this select 0]; _this call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers 'ca\ui\scripts\MiniMap.sqf';" 28.09.2012 07:29:14: XX XXX (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) 58072e66d4b1b58b2b816fd0ec149287 - #0 "e >> _type >> _classname >> "displayName"); I replaced players name with : "xx xxx" Thank you, Sp0radic
  10. FireWalker

    US 3066 hacker took control of my character

    I think August is 8...
  11. FireWalker

    m4a3 cco + nvg + dmr for MK 48 mod 0 and m107

    Hey Salty, I'm around, let me know whats up. Damn guns heavy and I'm tired of carrying it
  12. FireWalker

    m4a3 cco + nvg + dmr for MK 48 mod 0 and m107

    another pm sent
  13. FireWalker

    m4a3 cco + nvg + dmr for MK 48 mod 0 and m107

    Sent you a PM. I think I've got a mk48 and couple hundred rounds. If you still want it, I'll go check my tent.
  14. FireWalker

    Trading SVD

    Sent PM to Bestofall
  15. FireWalker

    DayZ: Night Life, the way it should be IMO

    I like it a lot. It looks as if the infection has just begun, and towns are starting to get overrun. It would be cool if the smaller towns on the outskirts lost all their power first (over time) and as the grid goes down, the towns slowly go dark towards the big substations. In other words, cherno, berezino, and elektro would lose power last. But survivors could be racing a clock trying to keep the generators running in the different towns and as long as they do that, the power grid stays up. I think that if a bandit squad wants to take over a town at night, they should be able to figure out what substation is feeding that town or region and set charges on certain pieces of equipment. When the charges go off... well so does the power in that town or region. But they would have to take out any survivors that are trying to keep the power grid operational. Survivors in a town would feel like they would need to set up some surveillance to protect themselves from bandits. o, and there are those infected people, dogs, and cats running around at the same time...
  16. FireWalker

    Nathan - US 894

    About your murder around 1745 hrs EST, 120915. Please respond to this or PM me. Thank you.