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Everything posted by TeamNoobify

  1. TeamNoobify

    Lookng to make a small group.

    In-Game Name: TeamNoobify. Age: 15. Rate your knowledge of DayZ _ out of 10: 8. Favorite map: Breaking Point/ Modified Chernarus. Do you have Requirements 4 and 5: Yes. What other maps do you have (if any): I can download any map rather quickly. Why do YOU want to join: Never really met a group to play with before. Extra: I am not a fan of KOS. Unless the player is a bandit or we have evidence they're unwilling to be friendly.
  2. TeamNoobify

    New DayZ group

    IGN: lesh mak luv Age: 14 Skype: u_noob_hehe Microphone: Logitech headset (Not very professional) but it's great nonetheless. What do you do best?(ex. medic, sniper, guard): Medic most definelty (Lag alittle when scoping a sniper and don't have a very good headset for hearing).
  3. TeamNoobify


    Same problem! Would love a solution.. Just want to play the game D:
  4. TeamNoobify

    Stuck at Final loading screen

    I'm also having this problem.. I got it fixed for a day, but then it just went straight back.. I haven't played DayZ consistently because of problems since a few months ago.
  5. TeamNoobify


    My dayZ won't get past the last loading screen before the spawning process, haven't played in a couple of days due to it! Please halp i really wants to play D: Also, ITS NOT FROZEN as i keep hearing the voices from side chat and i've tried this on multiple servers. ALSO IVE BEEN WAITING FOR MORE THAN 35 MINUTES!
  6. TeamNoobify


    I have waited way longer than that..
  7. I am looking for people to play DayZ with! I'm 14 and would hope to play with others around my age. But, if you're above or below I wouldn't mind! :D Just PM your skype and we'll get situated. Also! I am American, so English only ._. Also US servers only! Peace.
  8. So, I'm fairly new to DayZ and I'm looking for a group of people to play with. If interested, Post your age and location down below. (I don't care for skill level) Age: 14 Location: United States (EST) Skill Level: I know most of the basics, but my DayZ has alot of problem lately. Skype: Yes! (If saying yes to skype also means you have a good mic!) (Also, I'm not very familar with the map!)