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About Dontrunaway

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  1. Dontrunaway

    Shut the Fuck Up Cry Babies!!!!

    Alt F4ers are lame. Abort like a champion. Dat spelling.
  2. Dontrunaway

    I need the suicide button.

    Rejoin the server or a different one. It should put you back at your last known location.
  3. Dontrunaway

    Ahh the spoils

    Just because he's using thermal AND an as50 doesn't make it a thermal as50. You can carry two primaries as long as you know how to avoid deleting them.
  4. Dontrunaway

    Ahh the spoils

    I hope you didn't pick up the Mountain Dew. It definitely didn't bring good fortune to the guy you killed.
  5. If you're using a DMR I wouldn't suspect you of hacking.
  6. Dontrunaway

    Green Mountain - Share Your Stories

    Went to pick up a teammate there and ended up crashing the helicopter into power lines. When we went to get our stuff back from the corpses a hacker found us and killed us all.
  7. Dontrunaway

    Are the zombies meant to be one hit killers?

    I believe the magic number is 9,000. If you're under 9,000 blood then they can knock you unconscious. I believe they also cannot break your leg if you are above 9,000 blood as well, so if you're rocking around below 9,000 blood you're at risk for being "one-shot."
  8. Dontrunaway

    If an heli crash, when does it respwan?

    You might want to try a different server then because if you know someone has the chopper it's unlikely that you'll find it.
  9. Dontrunaway

    If an heli crash, when does it respwan?

    Have someone in your team do some pilot training in the armory first so you don't crash it...lol. After like 6 hours of practicing I'm still not a perfect pilot but I do fairly well. I've crashed a DayZ chopper after 4-5 hours of practice and my team was mad :( but that's why I'm the backup pilot lol
  10. Dontrunaway

    Trading for Ghillie Suit

    I pm'd you offering a free ghillie suit and you didn't respond >.> Although I may have sent the PM to myself, lol.
  11. Dontrunaway

    INSAAAANE loading times?

    Arma II Launcher works pretty good as well (if your computer has multiple cores and large memory, it allows you to optimize rather than restricting the capacity at which the game runs).
  12. Dontrunaway


    Guy. Played as girl until I found a ghillie suit...then I went with the penis. It was a sad day.
  13. Dontrunaway

    INSAAAANE loading times?

    If it's taking more than a few minutes (2-3) and it's stuck on "Loading", it is likely that the server is not up to date with the latest beta version, or that it has not been reset in a while (and its memory cache is full). Pick a different server in the mean time. If it is yours, fix the above problems,
  14. Dontrunaway

    G36C SD (camo)

    Because they don't punish you if they find your weapon in a database scan. They simply remove it. The punishment comes elsewhere, but only to the person that actually hacked the weapons in.