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Everything posted by moartuba

  1. This is in the .pbo main dayz code file so why is it not being executed in game? _dog = _this select 0; _array = _this select 3; _handle = _array select 0; _whistle = _array select 1; if(_whistle) then { [nil,player,rSAY,["dog_callBack", 120]] call RE; }; sleep 1; _handle setFSMVariable ["_command","none"]; _dog = _this select 0; _dog playActionNow "GestureBark"; [_dog,"dog_bark",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak; /* _anim = animationState _dog; _sitDown = false; if(_anim == "Dog_SitDown") then { [objNull, _dog, rSwitchMove,"Dog_SitUp"] call RE; sleep 1; _sitDown = true; }; [objNull, _dog, rSwitchMove,"Dog_StopV2"] call RE; if (_sitDown) then { waitUntil{(animationState _dog) != "Dog_StopV2"}; [objNull, _dog, rSwitchMove,"Dog_SitDown"] call RE; }; *///_dog = _this select 0; _array = _this select 3; _handle = _array select 0; _whistle = _array select 1; _forceWalk = _array select 2; _dog = _handle getFSMVariable "_dog"; _maxSpeed = _handle getFSMVariable "_maxSpeed"; if(player distance _dog < 5) then { _whistle = false; }; if(_forceWalk) then { _maxSpeed = _maxSpeed - 1; if (_maxSpeed < 0) then { _maxSpeed = 0; }; if(_whistle) then { [nil,player,rSAY,["dog_slowDown", 120]] call RE; }; } else { _maxSpeed = _maxSpeed + 1; if (_maxSpeed > 2) then { _maxSpeed = 2; }; if(_whistle) then { [nil,player,rSAY,["dog_speedUp", 120]] call RE; }; }; _handle setFSMVariable ["_maxSpeed",_maxSpeed]; _handle setFSMVariable ["_forceChange",true];_handle = _this select 3; _handle setFSMVariable ["_command","stay"];_array = _this select 3; _handle = _array; //_target = _array select 1; _target = target1; _handle setFSMVariable ["_command","track"]; _handle setFSMVariable ["_target",_target]; _dog = _this select 0; _array = _this select 3; _handle = _array select 0; _watchDog = _array select 1; _handle setFSMVariable ["_watchDog",_watchDog]; _actionWarn = _handle getFSMVariable "_actionWarn"; _actionDir = _handle getFSMVariable "_actionDir"; _dog removeAction _actionWarn; if (_watchDog) then { _actionWarn = _dog addAction ["Quiet",_actionDir + "warn.sqf",[_handle,false], 2, false, true]; _handle setFSMVariable ["_actionWarn",_actionWarn]; while {_watchDog and alive _dog} do { _watchDog = _handle getFSMVariable "_watchDog"; _senseSkill = _handle getFSMVariable "_senseSkill"; if (_watchDog) then { _nearby = (getPosATL _dog) nearEntities ["CAManBase",_senseSkill]; _nearby = _nearby - [player]; if (count _nearby > 0) then { //_chance = (3 - (count _nearby)); //hintSilent str(_chance); [_dog,"dog_growl",2,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak; } else { /* _nearby = (getPosATL _dog) nearEntities ["CAAnimalBase",_senseSkill]; _nearby = _nearby - [_dog]; [_dog,"dog_bark",1,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak; */ }; }; sleep 2; }; } else { _actionWarn = _dog addAction ["Warn",_actionDir + "warn.sqf",[_handle,true], 2, false, true]; _handle setFSMVariable ["_actionWarn",_actionWarn];
  2. Ah I see. To me, I usually don't leave code in that just sits there not doing anything. Could this possibly be causing problems we are seeing in Most likely it isn't, but If it even has a chance of causing conflicts, than why leave it in there when it's not doing anything? I would have left it on the side till the whole dogs update and tested it privately before even adding it since it's not crucial and will definitely have some bugs (everything anyone codes will have bugs).
  3. Thank you, I didn't see the word dog, thanks! If it is in the dayzcode.pbo file already, why is it not presented in game?
  4. I believe it is actually a lua or c++ derivation. some items like setSFMvariable come from the arma2 engine's library.
  5. Just got m136 launcher and my character will not take it off his back? I also have a sidearm and primary if that counts. not sure why i gave up my backpack for this if it won't shoot. :/ any ideas?
  6. moartuba

    M136 launcher bug?

    nooooooo :( I was looking forward to shooting the grocery >:D NO SOUP FOR YOU (read beans or pasta or meat) Well thank you very much
  7. moartuba

    M136 launcher bug?

    So is this a bug from say a 1.7 release? It can't be since there are shooting m136 videos up june 11th and the 1.7 was may 30th
  8. moartuba

    M136 launcher bug?

    Thanks for trying to help. I have tried to drop it then pick it up off the ground, I have tried to drop my primary and to pull it out, no luck, tried to drop both other weapons and try and no luck, also did forums search and found others with same problem and no posted solution.
  9. moartuba

    M136 launcher bug?

    noise of it being shot. not the explosion noise nor the explosion or kill.
  10. moartuba

    M136 launcher bug?

    yes i do. i even shot one of two rounds :( it just made the noise with no explosion.
  11. moartuba

    M136 Bug with DayZ

    I am also getting this :( any solution?
  12. Even the reddit server which i frequent a lot had hackers all day. They had illegal chopper, ammo crates, and later one had "aimbot" (30 bullets into me semi auto with little/no recoil) and one had the ability to shoot through a hospital to kill me. I know it was not legit. On the other hand, there is a server reporting sub forum here. and cheater reporting sub forum. Those are your go to. Also, this is all from battleeye unfortunately.
  13. It actually is a nice game. I never played it till after DayZ as well. But I liked the more realistic feel which s amazing. The submersion is what ARMAII Devs were going for and they put that as priority number one. I say bravo to them because they made an amazing game. That profile pic is probably you. Show some respect to the base of the whole DayZ mod and the ones who actually released their product to allow modding.
  14. moartuba

    Karma for the hackers

    That truly is the fine line between hackers and thieves. I myself have a couple servers where I've marked a dupe camp. I raid it every now and then for items (legal only) and then destroy it and use my tools to help the players of my main server. Why do I do this? Well I know how hard it is to start from nothing, so I will not use my power to hurt and troll others. However, I do get killed for the items a lot because, well, it's rare. That is the thieve. Not necessarily a bandit, just a traveler, a wanderer, a zombie killing bounty almost. The hackers on the other hand are malevolent. They didn't just make those dupe camps for personal gain and to have an unfair advantage, they also have been spawning helicopters, teleporting players, killing servers, and ruining the game. The people the OP killed could have been either, and that is why it is so hard to ban/blacklist people outside of battleeye's job. Because you can't just say "Look he has an illegal gun! get your pitchforks!". You have to see if they were the starters to this fire. If so, let them burn out. But the reason hackers are everywhere and they aren't banned is because the unbiased system, the battleeye, is not up to par with protecting itself from injection. That is the concern that needs to be raised, no more posts about the hackers -- post the door they are getting through and make Bohemia Interactive seal it shut.
  15. The battleeye is stopping some of them. The chat messages that say [player xxx] cannot play/edit this mission because blah blah blah deleted.[whatever xxx] is actually a block on players trying to hack through common script editing hacking.
  16. Hacker once again thunderdomed Dallas 3 server. A player by the name of "Micheal" in game was the hacker who did this. I confirmed by finding his dooped tent with 20 akm mags, an akm, 5 blood bags, etc. to which he responded along the lines of "well done". He through the server into a thunderdome to which I quickly disconnected. What happen upon disconnection to this by the way? will I have everything still? I did not alt + f4. Axe was a guy on the server that said he couldn't wait till the thunderdome happened because it seemed fun and he got his wish but it wasn't him that did it. Just wanted to give a shout out from the pres.
  17. Has anyone ran any tests to clearly define the argo boundary for certain movements towards zombies? I mean you can kind of guess it, but math would be best. Is there a way to see the dayz code and tell? Also, is it determined in three dimensions or two based on a general layer? I would just like more definition on the enemy we are escaping/sneaking from/around. Blah blah, I know it's alpha, but it should be in there since it's a very core part of the game.
  18. moartuba

    Zombie agro anyone?

    Hmm That adds another question I have. Is the dayz code good enough to effect agro range by their own line of sight?
  19. moartuba

    Zombie agro anyone?

    Well I understand the agro and the about range of agro for actions (shots from different guns, etc.) but I think I'll run tests and see exactly what the range is per gun/action. But it will take forever I suppose. I need hard facts lol
  20. moartuba

    Elektro on Fire!!! [VIDEO]

    copter crash nearby
  21. moartuba

    Any helis?

    Look, I got a main rotor assembly, engine parts, and 2 jerry cans. Anyone want to go journey for a copter? I only have an axe
  22. moartuba

    Any helis?

    nevermind, not after relog lose everything glitch
  23. How do these hackers even do what they do? Is it truly hacking or is it just a bad admin? If it is an admin, do they even have those privileges, and if it is a hacker, how do they even manage to do this?